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Frederique Hibert
La Grande Sauvagere
Saint Pierre de Plesguen


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Price per night:

price from €80






Description for B&B:

Our two rooms, "EMERALD" and "DOLMEN," offer a perfect blend of comfort and tradition, with individual bathrooms and toilets for each room. The inviting ambiance of Le Grand Salon, characterized by wooden and stone accents, provides an authentic setting to indulge in the convivial atmosphere around a cozy fireplace. The woodwork of the Petit Salon creates a warm and comfortable space for enjoying breakfast on the ground floor.


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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 80 80 40 oui


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  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located about 40 kilometers west of La Grande Sauvagere, Mont Saint-Michel is a stunning medieval abbey perched on a rocky island. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the most iconic tourist attractions in France.
  • Saint-Malo: Situated approximately 20 kilometers north of La Grande Sauvagere, Saint-Malo is a fortified coastal city known for its historic walled old town. Visitors can explore the cobblestone streets, visit the Saint-Malo Cathedral, and enjoy panoramic views from the city walls.
  • Dinan: Found about 15 kilometers southwest of La Grande Sauvagere, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts, half-timbered houses, and a picturesque riverfront. The town is also home to the 14th-century Château de Dinan and the Basilique Saint-Sauveur.
  • Dol-de-Bretagne: Situated about 10 kilometers northeast of La Grande Sauvagere, Dol-de-Bretagne is a historic town with a beautiful cathedral, the Cathédrale Saint-Samson. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, admire the medieval houses, and visit the Menhir du Champ-Dolent, the tallest standing stone in Brittany.
  • Rennes: Located approximately 25 kilometers southeast of La Grande Sauvagere, Rennes is the capital city of Brittany. It offers a mix of historical and modern attractions, including the Rennes Cathedral, the Parlement de Bretagne, and the Thabor Gardens.
  • Combourg: Found about 10 kilometers west of La Grande Sauvagere, Combourg is a small town known for its impressive feudal castle, the Château de Combourg. This castle was the ancestral home of the famous writer François-René de Chateaubriand and offers guided tours of its rich history.
  • Cancale: Situated approximately 40 kilometers northwest of La Grande Sauvagere, Cancale is a charming coastal town famous for its oyster farms and seafood restaurants. Visitors can enjoy picturesque views of the bay, taste fresh oysters, and explore the Port de la Houle.
  • Dinard: Located about 40 kilometers north of La Grande Sauvagere, Dinard is a popular seaside resort town known for its beautiful beaches, Belle Époque villas, and the Promenade du Clair de Lune. The town also hosts a renowned British Film Festival each year.
  • Cap Fréhel: Found approximately 70 kilometers northwest of La Grande Sauvagere, Cap Fréhel is a dramatic cliff peninsula offering breathtaking views of the Brittany coastline. Visitors can hike along the coastal paths, explore the lighthouse, and marvel at the rugged natural beauty of the area. 10. Fort La Latte: Situated about 75 kilometers northwest of La Grande Sauvagere, Fort La Latte is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky promontory overlooking the sea. It is a popular attraction for history enthusiasts and offers stunning panoramic views from its ramparts.

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