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Contact Details:


Sharon Allen
Lieu-dit Bel Air
Le Bouyssou


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €60




Description for B&B:

Our location in the heart of the Lot department makes us the perfect starting point for exploring this enchanting area, which is rich in historical and fascinating attractions. Our spacious and well-ventilated bedrooms offer a comfortable stay, with two of them featuring private terraces and separate entrances. Additionally, two of the bedrooms are furnished with both a double bed and a single bed, and all rooms are tastefully decorated in a minimalist style, preserving the unique charm of the house.


Appréciations pour Le Foursou Chambres D'Hotes, Le Bouyssou:

notre séjour cet été
Review by: ROBIN DOMINIQUE, Sep 4 2012 11:32AM
nous avons passé un très agréable séjour dans cette maison, calme et claire dans un cadre reposant avec la compagnie des animaux tous supers. mais ce que nous retenons surtout
ce sont les hôtes, l'accueil chaleureux, les soins attentifs au quotidien, tout cela dans la discrétion sont fort appréciables, la bonne humeur et le sourire de l'hôte sont un régal tout comme ses crêpes au sarrasin. nous recommandons ce lieu les yeux fermés.
cordialement. D ROBIN
deux nuits au mois de juillet 2012
Review by: nianane, Sep 3 2012 11:46AM
propreté excelente, accueil cordial, petit déjeuner génial, continuez comme ça, bravo.

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Take exit 56 on the A20 highway towards RODEZ/FIGEAC-DECAZEVILLE/GOURDON onto ÉCHANGEUR DE LABASTIDE-MURAT (Please note that a toll applies for this section).

Upon reaching the traffic circle, take the second exit onto D802 and continue for 2 kilometers.

At the next traffic circle, take the second exit again onto D802 and proceed for approximately 16 kilometers.

At the subsequent traffic circle, take the third exit onto D653 in the direction of Assier and continue for about 6 kilometers.

Continue straight through Assier, and at the end of the village, bear right.

Turn right onto D840 and drive for 1 kilometer.

Then, bear left onto D92 towards Le Bouyssou/St Bressou. Continue until you are just before the village, and then turn left towards St Bressou/Bel Air.

After approximately 3 kilometers, you will see the sign for Bel Air on your right-hand side. The next house on the right will be our destination.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: local produce


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  • Gouffre de Padirac: Located approximately 11 km from Lieu-dit Bel Air, the Gouffre de Padirac is a magnificent underground cave system and a popular tourist attraction in the region. Visitors can take a boat ride along the subterranean river and explore the stunning stalactite and stalagmite formations.
  • Rocamadour: Situated around 27 km away, Rocamadour is a breathtaking medieval village perched on a cliffside. Known for its religious significance and stunning architecture, this UNESCO World Heritage Site attracts visitors from all over the world. Explore the stunning chapels, visit the Sanctuary of the Black Madonna, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux: Located approximately 22 km from Lieu-dit Bel Air, this impressive castle is a prime example of medieval architecture. With its well-preserved towers and defensive walls, the Château de Castelnau-Bretenoux offers visitors a glimpse into the region's rich history. Take a guided tour to learn about the castle's fascinating past and enjoy the panoramic views from the top.
  • Saint-Cirq-Lapopie: Situated about 57 km away, Saint-Cirq-Lapopie is a picturesque hilltop village overlooking the Lot River. This charming medieval village is known for its narrow streets, historic buildings, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the art galleries, visit the 13th-century church, and take a leisurely stroll along the riverbank.
  • Cahors Pont Valentré: Located approximately 30 km from Lieu-dit Bel Air, Cahors Pont Valentré is a magnificent medieval bridge spanning the Lot River. This UNESCO World Heritage Site is not only an architectural marvel but also offers panoramic views of the city of Cahors. Take a walk across the bridge and admire its impressive towers and arches.
  • Pech Merle Cave: Situated around 45 km away, the Pech Merle Cave is a prehistoric cave known for its remarkable cave paintings. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground chambers and marvel at the ancient artwork, which dates back more than 20,000 years. The cave also features unique geological formations, making it a fascinating attraction for history and nature enthusiasts.
  • Château de Bonaguil: Located approximately 60 km from Lieu-dit Bel Air, the Château de Bonaguil is a magnificent fortress that showcases a blend of medieval and Renaissance architectural styles. Visitors can explore the castle's towers, ramparts, and courtyards, while guided tours provide insight into its fascinating history. Enjoy the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside from the top of the castle. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Lieu-dit Bel Air, offering a mix of historical, natural, and cultural experiences for visitors to enjoy.

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