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La Source, lieu dit Combelle, Route de Barcelonne


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Price per night:

price from €300






Description for B&B:

Welcome to La Source, a resourcing center that promotes living in harmony with ourselves and nature. Located in the heart of the Drôme, just two kilometers from the village of Chabeuil, our beautiful house, a renovated country mansion, is made entirely of organic materials. We offer organic and vegetarian food, as well as alcohol-free drinks. Our peaceful atmosphere allows for relaxation and meditation. Surrounded by stunning natural surroundings, we provide various accommodations, including fully equipped bedrooms and a Mongolian yurt. Our property features terraces, a stream, a pond, organic gardens, and a swimming pool (seasonal). We welcome individuals, families, and groups throughout the year. Please note that our facility is smoke and alcohol-free, and we do not allow pets. Internet access is available.

In addition to our accommodations, we offer various well-being services. Our EFT (emotional freedom technique) practitioners use acupuncture points to help free individuals from past emotions that may still trouble them, including phobias. We also offer family mediation and educational counseling upon request. Our trained HRV (heart rate variability) practitioner can help regulate stress and improve overall well-being using your own heart data on a computer.

Take advantage of our super bargain offer from January to June and September to December. For 416€ for two people or 324€ for one person, you can enjoy a four-night stay with breakfast and evening meals included. Additionally, you can choose from a variety of themed stays or activities, such as creative vegetarian cooking, retreats exploring spirituality and meditation, stress management techniques using sensors and computer analysis, organic gardening or building coaching, movie nights featuring educational films, and introductory sessions on EFT or HRV. We also offer family mediation and educational coaching.

For more information, please visit our website.


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To arrive from the north on the motorway, take the exit "Valence Nord" and continue onto the east highway towards "GAP MARSEILLE" (passing two roundabouts). If you are coming from the south, follow the east highway towards "Grenoble". In both cases, take exit 34 for Chabeuil. Proceed towards the village of Chabeuil. Upon reaching the village, cross a small river and you will notice an old door ahead of you. Take a right turn and you will see a sign indicating all directions. At the street sign labeled "BARCELONNE", turn left onto the road D188. Continue driving for approximately 2 km (1.8 miles). After passing through a covered forest passage for 200 meters (218 yards), take a left turn at the road sign that says "COMBELLE" - this indicates that you are about 2 km (1.8 miles) away from the village. A little further ahead, you will come across a small patch of woods. Take another left turn towards "LA SOURCE". Continue past an old barn until you reach the end where we are located.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: two nights, 72€/night/2 p
Notes: two rooms of 4 persons


Swimming Pool


  • Chabeuil Village: Explore the charming village of Chabeuil, located just a short distance from La Source. Admire the well-preserved medieval architecture, visit the historic Saint Michel Church, and wander through the picturesque streets lined with cafes, shops, and boutiques.
  • Valence: Located about 10 kilometers south of La Source, Valence is a vibrant city with a rich history. Discover the stunning Valence Cathedral, stroll through the charming old town, and visit the iconic Maison des Têtes, a 16th-century mansion with intricate facade sculptures.
  • Château de Crussol: Situated on a rocky hilltop overlooking the Rhône Valley, the Château de Crussol offers breathtaking panoramic views and a glimpse into medieval life. Explore the ruins of this once-mighty fortress, which dates back to the 12th century, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: A unique attraction located in Hauterives, around 80 kilometers northwest of La Source. This extraordinary structure was built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval, who spent 33 years constructing a dreamlike palace entirely from stones he collected during his daily mail deliveries.
  • Pont-en-Royans: A picturesque village located along the Bourne River, known for its colorful houses and charming medieval bridge. Discover the suspended houses, visit the quaint museum dedicated to water and hydroelectricity, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Vercors Regional Natural Park.
  • Romans-sur-Isère: Just a short drive from La Source, Romans-sur-Isère is famous for its shoe industry and rich history. Explore the historic center with its narrow streets and half-timbered houses, visit the International Shoe Museum, and relax in the beautiful Jardin des Tuileries.
  • Palais du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, this palace is another impressive architectural marvel created by Ferdinand Cheval. It is a UNESCO-listed site and showcases the intricate stonework and fantastical sculptures that Cheval meticulously built over several decades.
  • Jardin Zen d'Erik Borja: Situated in Montvendre, near Chabeuil, this Zen garden offers a peaceful sanctuary for relaxation and contemplation. Stroll through the beautifully landscaped gardens, admire the carefully arranged rocks and plants, and experience the tranquility of this Japanese-inspired oasis.
  • Musée de Valence: Located in Valence, this museum offers a diverse collection of art and historical artifacts. Discover works by renowned artists, explore archaeological finds, and learn about the fascinating history of the region through various exhibitions and displays. 10. Parc Jouvet: Situated in Valence, Parc Jouvet is a lovely green space ideal for a leisurely walk or a picnic. With its manicured lawns, flowerbeds, and shaded pathways, it provides a peaceful escape from the city's hustle and bustle. The park also features a small lake, a rose garden, and a charming bandstand.

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