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Bernadette Anfosso
Bastide Lou Pantail, 25 Chemin du Santon


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Price per night:

price from €95





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Description for B&B:

Azur Room: Suitable for 1 or 2 individuals, offering the choice of twin beds or a queen-sized bed (80/200). It includes a private shower and toilet, a small dressing area, 2 armchairs, 2 chairs, and 1 table. The room also has a TV with French TNT channels.

Sunroom: Designed for 2 adults, with the option of an additional bed if needed. It features a private shower and toilet, a small dressing area, and a wardrobe.

Sun Family Room: Ideal for 2 adults and 1 child, equipped with a private shower and toilet.

Parental Suite: Combining the Azur and Sun rooms, this suite accommodates 2 adults and 3 children. It includes 2 showers and 2 toilets.

A mobile air conditioner is available for your comfort. Each room has a fridge for your convenience. Complimentary WIFI access is provided for your computer. Parking is available in the enclosed garden.


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To get to Grasse from Cannes, follow these directions:

1. Take exit A8 Cannes Cannes Grasse.
2. Follow Penetrating road for 470m in the direction of Grasse N1085.
3. Pass through Mougins, Valbonne, and Sophia-Antipolis.
4. Continue on Penetrating road towards Cannes Grasse.
5. Take the exit towards Grasse center.
6. At the roundabout, follow the signs for "Route de Cannes" on N1085.
7. On your left, you will pass by the Fragonard factory, a roundabout, the Galimard plant, and an Avia gas station.
8. Immediately after the gas station, turn left onto Way of Santon.
9. After 64m, turn right onto the 25th Way Santon, which leads to the small shopping center with common Santons.
10. La Bastide is located at the end of the straight road.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: local tax:0.8//pers./night
Notes: Supplementary Local Tax=>0.80€/person/night


Credit cards accepted


  • Musée International de la Parfumerie: Located in the heart of Grasse, this museum showcases the history and art of perfume-making. Visitors can learn about the extraction of scents, see ancient perfume bottles, and explore the process of creating perfumes.
  • Cathédrale Notre-Dame-du-Puy: Situated in the old town of Grasse, this beautiful cathedral dates back to the 11th century. It features stunning architecture and intricate stained glass windows. Visitors can also enjoy the panoramic views of Grasse from the top of the bell tower.
  • Villa Fragonard: This elegant mansion houses the Fragonard Perfumery. Visitors can take guided tours of the museum to learn about the history of perfume production in Grasse. The villa also boasts stunning gardens with exotic plants and a charming gift shop.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Grasse: Known as the Botanical Garden of Grasse, this picturesque garden is home to a wide variety of plants and flowers. Visitors can take leisurely walks, enjoy the fragrance of different herbs, and admire the beautiful landscapes.
  • Parfumerie Galimard: Established in 1747, Galimard is one of the oldest perfume factories in Grasse. Guided tours allow visitors to discover the secrets of perfume-making and explore the factory's workshops. They also offer the opportunity to create a personalized fragrance.
  • Musée d'Art et d'Histoire de Provence: Located in a 17th-century mansion, this museum showcases the art, history, and traditions of Provence. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, furniture, and traditional costumes.
  • Pont du Loup: A picturesque village situated on the Loup River, Pont du Loup is famous for its charming stone houses and a stunning waterfall. Visitors can stroll along the river, admire the old mills, and enjoy local delicacies such as candied fruits and chocolates.
  • Gorges du Loup: Just a short drive from Grasse, the Gorges du Loup offers breathtaking natural beauty. Visitors can hike along the trails, swim in the crystal-clear river, and admire the dramatic cliffs and waterfalls.
  • Château de Gourdon: Perched on a rocky hilltop, this medieval fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, visit the local art galleries, and enjoy the tranquility of the village. 10. Saint-Paul-de-Vence: A charming hilltop village known for its art galleries and medieval architecture, Saint-Paul-de-Vence attracts both art enthusiasts and history lovers. Visitors can wander through narrow streets, admire the beautiful stone houses, and explore various art museums and galleries. These attractions near Bastide Lou Pantail in Grasse provide a diverse range of experiences, from exploring the history of perfume-making to immersing oneself in the natural beauty and cultural heritage of the region.

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