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1320 Carreirade de Pierresca
La Destrousse


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price from €45






Description for B&B:

Take a leisurely walk through our spacious garden spanning over 5000 m2, filled with lush olive trees, towering pines, and vibrant vines. Discover a haven of peace and serenity, where you can unwind and rejuvenate. Our charming cottage boasts tasteful decor, adorned with warm colors, and offers direct access to a delightful terrace and garden. Additionally, you can enjoy a shared pool with fellow guests, ensuring a tranquil and harmonious atmosphere throughout your stay.


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Holiday Home 1 390 620


Swimming Pool


  • Calanques National Park - Located just a short drive away from La Destrousse, Calanques National Park is a stunning natural attraction known for its breathtaking limestone cliffs, crystal-clear turquoise waters, and hidden coves. Visitors can enjoy hiking, swimming, and boating while exploring this picturesque coastal area.
  • Aix-en-Provence - Situated approximately 20 kilometers north of La Destrousse, Aix-en-Provence is a charming city renowned for its rich history, beautiful architecture, and vibrant atmosphere. The city is home to numerous art galleries, museums, and historic sites, including the famous Cours Mirabeau, a picturesque boulevard lined with elegant cafés and shops.
  • Marseille - As the second-largest city in France, Marseille offers a wide range of attractions and activities. Located about 30 kilometers south of La Destrousse, Marseille boasts an intriguing mix of historical landmarks, such as the Old Port, Notre-Dame de la Garde Basilica, and the iconic MuCEM museum. Visitors can also enjoy delicious cuisine, explore vibrant neighborhoods, and soak up the Mediterranean ambiance.
  • Cassis - Positioned around 15 kilometers southwest of La Destrousse, Cassis is a charming coastal town known for its picturesque harbor and charming streets lined with colorful buildings. Visitors can take boat tours to explore the stunning Calanques, relax on sandy beaches, or indulge in fresh seafood at one of the town's many restaurants.
  • Sainte-Victoire Mountain - Located just a short distance east of La Destrousse, Sainte-Victoire Mountain offers breathtaking panoramic views and is a popular destination for hiking and outdoor enthusiasts. The mountain served as a muse for painter Paul Cézanne and is often featured in his artwork.
  • Château de la Buzine - Situated approximately 20 kilometers west of La Destrousse, Château de la Buzine is a beautiful castle surrounded by lush gardens. This historic site is known as the "Château of Cinema" due to its connections with the film industry. Visitors can explore the castle's museum, showcasing the history of cinema, and enjoy cultural events and exhibitions.
  • Côte Bleue - Stretching along the Mediterranean coast between Marseille and Martigues, the Côte Bleue is a stunning coastal area known for its rugged cliffs, secluded coves, and clear blue waters. Visitors can enjoy sunbathing, swimming, snorkeling, and hiking along the scenic coastal trails.
  • Aubagne - Situated just a few kilometers northwest of La Destrousse, Aubagne is a charming Provençal town famous for being the birthplace of Marcel Pagnol, a renowned French author and filmmaker. Visitors can explore Pagnol's childhood home, visit the Musée de la Légion Étrangère, or stroll through the historic streets lined with colorful buildings and artisan shops. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from natural beauty to cultural heritage, allowing visitors to discover the best of the region surrounding La Destrousse, France.

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