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Sylvie Loisil
Route Des Crêtes - D3
Saint Frajou


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €62






Description for B&B:

Come and stay at our Gascony-style farm, where we have four spacious rooms measuring over 28 m2 each. You can access them through a separate entrance, leading you to the upper floor adorned with charming old beams. All rooms come with their own bathroom, toilet, and private central heating. As part of our hospitality, we invite you to join us for breakfast, featuring delicious farm-fresh produce and local delicacies sourced from nearby producers.


Appréciations pour La Ferme des Mouleres, Saint Frajou:

Un "écrin de vacances" ... hors du commun
Review by: Brigitte Dumont Lapage, Aou 11 2017 4:48PM
"Grâce" à Sylvie et Pascal, nous avons passé des vacances, avec nos enfants et petits-enfants, absolument magnifiques. Sylvie a eu le don de préparer le gîte pour l'ensemble de la famille et d'accueillir tout ce petit monde dans le respect et la singularité de chacun, jusqu'à retenir d'emblée nos prénoms. La table fut à chaque fois, colorée, généreuse et débordante des légumes aux noms parfois biscornus, que cultive Pascal. Un vrai délice ....
Pour couronner le tout, les chambres sont délicieusement fraîches et les lits profondément douillets.
De ces superbes moments, il ne reste que du bonheur et de merveilleux souvenirs.
Un tout tout grand merci Chers Sylvie et Pascal. Si vous passez par la Belgique, venez loger à la maison. On vous attend....
Brigitte et Roland, Grégoire, Maud, Julien, Elsa, Emilie, Baptiste, Florine, Camille, Florent, Hortense, Valentine et Régis

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To reach the farm between St FRAJOU and LILHAC, follow these travel directions:

1. Start in TOULOUSE and head towards PERIPHERIQUE EXTERIEUR.
2. Take the AUTOROUTE A 64 and continue until you reach SORTIE 26.
3. Along the way, you will pass through Grattens, Puy de Touges, and Fabas.
4. Once you reach SORTIE 26, exit the highway.
5. The farm is located on the road D3 between St FRAJOU and LILHAC.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 62 oui
(3 pers.)
2 85 25 oui




  • Saint-Frajou Castle: Located in the heart of Saint Frajou, this medieval castle offers guided tours and a glimpse into the region's history. Visitors can explore the castle's architecture, learn about its past, and enjoy the surrounding picturesque scenery.
  • Aurignac Prehistoric Museum: Situated in the town of Aurignac, this museum showcases artifacts and exhibits related to the prehistoric era. With a rich collection of tools, fossils, and artwork, it provides a fascinating insight into the lives of early humans in the region.
  • Martres-Tolosane: A charming village known for its traditional pottery, Martres-Tolosane is a great place to explore local craftsmanship. Visitors can browse through pottery shops, observe artisans at work, and even try their hand at creating their own pottery.
  • Boussens: Located on the banks of the Garonne River, Boussens offers a variety of outdoor activities. Visitors can go hiking, cycling, or fishing along the river, or simply enjoy a leisurely picnic in one of its scenic spots.
  • Carbonne: This small town is known for its beautiful medieval architecture and historic buildings. The Church of Saint-Laurent, with its stunning stained glass windows, is a must-visit, along with the Château de Sainte-Barbe, a picturesque castle dating back to the 16th century.
  • Montmaurin Gallo-Roman Villa: Situated in Montmaurin, this archaeological site showcases the remains of a Roman villa dating back to the 1st century AD. Visitors can explore the ruins, walk through the ancient thermal baths, and learn about the villa's history through informative displays.
  • Rieux-Volvestre: A charming medieval town, Rieux-Volvestre is known for its well-preserved fortifications and historic center. Visitors can stroll through the narrow streets, admire the half-timbered houses, and visit the stunning Sainte-Marie Cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture.
  • Aurignac Belvedere: Offering breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, the Aurignac Belvedere is a popular spot for nature lovers and photographers. It provides a perfect vantage point to admire the rolling hills, vineyards, and quaint villages of the region.
  • Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges: Nestled in the foothills of the Pyrenees, this medieval village is home to the imposing Saint-Bertrand-de-Comminges Cathedral. Visitors can explore the well-preserved Roman ruins, wander through the charming streets, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance of this historical gem. 10. Grotte du Mas d'Azil: Located near the village of Le Mas-d'Azil, this natural cave is renowned for its impressive size and unique geological formations. Visitors can take a guided tour to discover the underground world, observe prehistoric cave paintings, and learn about the cave's significance throughout history.

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