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Bernard Herrmann
1, Chemin du Lecotte


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Price per night:

price from €50






Description for B&B:

Experience the charm of our stunning guest rooms located in a serene and idyllic village, just a short 10-minute drive from Ribeauvillé. Our rooms, classified under the prestigious Lodgings of France, offer a separate entrance and a private bathroom for your utmost comfort. Additionally, a well-equipped kitchenette is at your disposal, and we warmly welcome your furry friends. Embark on breathtaking walks right from our doorstep, immersing yourself in the beauty of the surrounding nature.


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The village is situated just a couple of miles away from Bergheim.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 50 52 15 oui
(3 pers.)
2 65 65 15 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château du Haut-Koenigsbourg: Located just 3 kilometers away, this medieval castle offers stunning panoramic views of the Alsace region. Visitors can explore the well-preserved fortress, learn about its history, and enjoy various exhibitions.
  • Ribeauvillé: Situated around 6 kilometers from Thannenkirch, Ribeauvillé is a charming Alsatian town known for its colorful half-timbered houses and historic architecture. It is an ideal place for a leisurely stroll and to experience the local culture.
  • Parc de l'Orangerie: Located in Colmar, approximately 14 kilometers away, this beautiful park offers a serene atmosphere with its lakes, flowerbeds, and gardens. Visitors can also enjoy boat rides, visit the mini zoo, or relax at one of the park's cafes.
  • Musée Unterlinden: Situated in the heart of Colmar, around 15 kilometers away, this museum houses a remarkable collection of art and historical artifacts. The highlight is the Isenheim Altarpiece, a masterpiece of German Renaissance art.
  • Eguisheim: Located about 20 kilometers away, Eguisheim is a picturesque village renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture and charming flower-filled streets. It is often considered one of the most beautiful villages in France.
  • Montagne des Singes: Situated approximately 35 kilometers from Thannenkirch, this unique wildlife park allows visitors to observe and interact with over 200 Barbary macaques in a natural environment.
  • Volerie des Aigles: Located near Kintzheim, around 36 kilometers away, this bird of prey sanctuary offers thrilling flying demonstrations with eagles, vultures, and other majestic birds. It provides an opportunity to learn about these fascinating creatures up close.
  • Strasbourg Cathedral: Situated in the city of Strasbourg, approximately 60 kilometers away, this stunning Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. It boasts intricate architectural details and houses an astronomical clock.
  • Europa-Park: Located in Rust, Germany, about 70 kilometers from Thannenkirch, Europa-Park is one of Europe's largest theme parks. It offers a wide range of thrilling rides, shows, and attractions for all ages. 10. The Wine Route (Route des Vins): Passing through numerous picturesque villages and vineyards, the Wine Route is a scenic drive that showcases the rich wine-making tradition of the Alsace region. Visitors can explore charming wineries and sample local wines along the way.

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