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Jean Claude Joyez
28 Rue du Moulin Neuf


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price from €905




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To get to the mill, take exit 18 on A10 towards Amboise. Then follow the signs for Vierrzon (D31) and continue on D976 towards Bléré until you reach Montrichard. From there, enter Francueil and head towards Loches on D80. The mill will be located 300m from the church on the right.

If you are coming from A85, take the exit for "Bléré, Chenonceaux." Follow the signs for Vierrzon (D31) and continue on D976 towards Bléré until you reach Montrichard. Enter Francueil and head towards Loches on D80. The mill will be located 300m from the church on the right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 905 905 16 oui
(3 pers.)
3 116 150 16 oui


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Château de Chenonceau: Located approximately 5 kilometers from Francueil, Château de Chenonceau is a stunning Renaissance castle that spans the Cher River. Known as the "Ladies' Castle," it is famous for its unique architecture and beautiful gardens.
  • Château de Chambord: Situated around 30 kilometers from Francueil, Château de Chambord is a magnificent castle known for its distinctive French Renaissance architecture. The castle features stunning double helix staircases and extensive grounds, making it a must-visit attraction.
  • Clos Lucé: Located in Amboise, about 8 kilometers from Francueil, Clos Lucé was the final residence of Leonardo da Vinci. It is now a museum dedicated to the life and works of the famous artist and inventor, showcasing his inventions and interactive displays.
  • Château d'Amboise: Situated in the town of Amboise, approximately 9 kilometers from Francueil, Château d'Amboise is a historic castle that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the Loire River. It was once the royal residence of several French kings.
  • Pagode de Chanteloup: Located about 15 kilometers from Francueil, Pagode de Chanteloup is a unique Chinese-inspired pagoda built in the 18th century. It offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is surrounded by a beautiful park.
  • Parc des Mini-Châteaux: Situated in Amboise, around 10 kilometers from Francueil, the Parc des Mini-Châteaux is a miniature park featuring scaled-down replicas of famous Loire Valley castles. Visitors can explore the grounds and learn about the region's architectural heritage.
  • Château de Villandry: Located approximately 20 kilometers from Francueil, Château de Villandry is famous for its magnificent gardens. The meticulously designed Renaissance gardens feature geometric patterns, ornamental flowerbeds, and vegetable gardens.
  • Château de Blois: Situated in the city of Blois, around 35 kilometers from Francueil, Château de Blois offers a glimpse into the history of French architecture with its mix of Gothic, Renaissance, and Classical styles. The castle also houses a museum showcasing its rich past.
  • Parc Leonardo da Vinci: Located in the town of Cangey, about 15 kilometers from Francueil, Parc Leonardo da Vinci is a thematic park dedicated to Leonardo da Vinci's inventions. Visitors can explore models of his machines, enjoy interactive exhibits, and even try some of the inventions themselves. 10. ZooParc de Beauval: Situated in Saint-Aignan, approximately 30 kilometers from Francueil, ZooParc de Beauval is one of the most renowned zoos in France. It is home to a wide variety of animals, including rare species like giant pandas, white tigers, and manatees. These tourist attractions offer a diverse range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences near 28 Rue du Moulin Neuf in Francueil, France.

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