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Contact Details:


Marc Gendre
21 La Calcine


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Price per night:

price from €70






Description for B&B:

Our room is designed with twin beds to accommodate two people comfortably. Please note that there is no option for an additional bed. In the room, you will find a dressing area, a small desk, and an air conditioning unit. The private bathroom is equipped with a spacious shower, washbasin, hair dryer, and toilet facilities. Unfortunately, pets are not allowed.


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To reach your destination from A9, take exit 43 towards le BOULOU. Follow the signs for D115 towards CERET. In Saint Jean Pla de corts, at the roundabout, take a right towards VIVES (cross Vivès) and continue on D13 towards LLAURO. When you reach LLauro, you will see a big wall on your left with the name LA CALCINE on it. Continue on this road until you reach the end of the asphalt. Then, take a left onto Piste DFCI A44 and then a right onto DFCI A44. You have arrived!

If you are coming from PERPIGNAN, take N9 towards BOULOU and CERET. After 12km, at a roundabout, take a right towards Villemeolaque on D2. Cross Villemolaque and then turn left towards Fourques. Continue on D615 towards LLAURO. For the B&B, follow the same directions as indicated above.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 70 no oui


Swimming Pool


  • Perpignan (12 km): Perpignan is a vibrant city known for its rich history and cultural heritage. Explore the impressive Palace of the Kings of Majorca, visit the iconic Castillet fortress, and wander through the charming old town with its narrow streets and colorful buildings.
  • Collioure (23 km): Located on the Mediterranean coast, Collioure is a picturesque town famous for its stunning beaches, charming harbor, and vibrant art scene. Visit the Royal Castle, enjoy fresh seafood at local restaurants, and soak up the beautiful coastal views.
  • Céret (25 km): Céret is a small town renowned for its artistic heritage and its Museum of Modern Art, which houses works by Picasso, Chagall, and other famous artists. Stroll through the quaint streets, visit the bustling Saturday market, and relax at one of the charming cafes.
  • Castelnou (29 km): Castelnou is a medieval village perched on a hilltop, offering breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside. Explore its narrow, winding streets, visit the 10th-century castle, and admire the well-preserved medieval architecture.
  • Fort de Salses (33 km): This impressive fortress is a masterpiece of military architecture. Built in the 15th century, the Fort de Salses features a unique blend of French and Spanish design elements. Take a guided tour to discover its history and enjoy panoramic views from its ramparts.
  • Gorges de la Fou (39 km): Located near Arles-sur-Tech, the Gorges de la Fou is a natural wonder. Follow the wooden walkways that wind along the steep cliffs, and experience the breathtaking views of waterfalls, lush vegetation, and rocky landscapes.
  • Le Train Jaune (43 km): The Yellow Train is a charming narrow-gauge railway that connects Villefranche-de-Conflent to Latour-de-Carol. Enjoy a scenic journey through the Pyrenees, crossing impressive viaducts and picturesque landscapes.
  • Villefranche-de-Conflent (43 km): This fortified medieval town is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Explore the well-preserved ramparts, wander through the charming streets, and visit the impressive Fort Liberia, perched on a hill overlooking the town.
  • Figueres, Spain (46 km): Just across the French-Spanish border, Figueres is famous for being the birthplace of artist Salvador Dalí. Visit the Dalí Theatre-Museum, which showcases a vast collection of his works, and explore the vibrant streets filled with shops and restaurants. 10. Canet-en-Roussillon (50 km): Canet-en-Roussillon is a popular seaside resort offering beautiful sandy beaches, water sports activities, and a lively promenade lined with restaurants and shops. Enjoy a day of relaxation or explore the vibrant coastal town.

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