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Frédéric Maginot
20 Avenue Jean Mermoz
Saint Honoré Les Bains


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Price per night:

price from €39




Description for B&B:

The rooms offer 5 beds along with cupboards for storage. The showers and toilets are conveniently located on the landing.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our stunning forested property located in the charming town of St. Honore les Bains, just a stone's throw away from the rejuvenating Thermal Park. Our spacious accommodation, MFR-AFC, is ideally suited for group stays, although exceptions can be made during school periods. Additionally, we offer management opportunities and the flexibility of either free or full board options, with the possibility to customize your meals. For reservations or any inquiries, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.


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To reach Saint Honoré les Bains from Paris, which is approximately 300km away, you can follow these travel directions: Start by taking highway A77 towards Nevers. Once you reach Nevers, take exit 36, which will lead you to Autun, Imphy, Decize, and Château Chinon. From there, continue on the N81 road towards Decize. Upon reaching Decize, take the exit for Cercy la Tour. Next, follow the signs towards Vandenesse and finally, Saint Honoré les Bains.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(3 pers.)
4 39 90 13
Holiday Home 100 26 60


Disabled Access
Animals Allowed


  • Thermal Baths of Saint-Honoré-les-Bains: Located in the heart of Saint-Honoré Les Bains, these thermal baths offer a relaxing and rejuvenating experience. Visitors can enjoy the healing properties of the natural hot springs and indulge in various spa treatments.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Morvan: Situated nearby, this regional natural park is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts. It features beautiful landscapes, forests, lakes, and hiking trails, allowing visitors to enjoy activities like hiking, biking, fishing, and wildlife spotting.
  • Château de Château-Chinon: Nestled in the charming town of Château-Chinon, this castle showcases stunning architecture and offers panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can explore its historical exhibits, admire the medieval architecture, and learn about the region's rich history.
  • Bibracte Archaeological Museum: Located atop Mont Beuvray, this museum showcases the remains of a Gallic-Roman city and offers insights into the lives of the Celts. Visitors can explore the archaeological site, visit the museum's exhibits, and learn about the ancient Gaul civilization.
  • Autun Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Lazare d'Autun): Situated in the nearby town of Autun, this cathedral is a masterpiece of Romanesque architecture. It features intricate sculptures, stunning stained glass windows, and a rich history dating back to the 12th century.
  • Lac des Settons: A picturesque lake located in the heart of the Morvan Regional Natural Park. It offers various water activities such as swimming, boating, and fishing. The surrounding area also provides hiking trails and picnic spots, making it an ideal destination for nature lovers.
  • Maison Jules Roy: This museum is dedicated to the French writer Jules Roy, who spent a significant part of his life in Saint-Honoré Les Bains. It showcases his personal belongings, manuscripts, and offers insights into his literary works.
  • Château de Bazoches: Situated in the nearby village of Bazoches, this medieval castle is known for its impressive architecture and beautiful gardens. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the panoramic views from its towers, and learn about its historical significance.
  • Temple of the Thousand Buddhas (Temple des Mille Bouddhas): Located in the village of La Boulaye, this Buddhist temple is a unique attraction in the region. It houses a large collection of Buddha statues, beautiful gardens, and offers a peaceful atmosphere for meditation and reflection. 10. Vauban's Castle of Bazoches: Another castle located in Bazoches, this fortress was designed by the famous military engineer, Vauban. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture, walk along the ramparts, and learn about the strategic military features implemented during its construction.