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Béatrice Darre
Chemin du Hour


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price from €400






Description for Gite

Experience the charm of this historic region with our two cozy gites, nestled in private grounds of 4000 m2 and boasting a large swimming pool. Located in the area where the famous d'Artagnan, of the Three Musketeers, once resided, you will also be surrounded by renowned vineyards producing the world-famous Armagnac brandy.

Our comfortable and inviting gites provide the perfect base for exploring this captivating region, rich in history and captivating attractions. Enjoy uninterrupted views of the picturesque countryside and rolling hills from our expansive garden, witnessing breathtaking sunrises and sunsets.

For nature enthusiasts, there are numerous marked pathways ideal for walking and cycling. Food lovers will be delighted with the abundance of local delicacies, including Armagnac, foie gras, and other culinary delights. Immerse yourself in the past as you visit the charming bastides and ancient villages, truly experiencing the area's fascinating history.


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Notes: 2 gîtes, idéal 2 familles


Swimming Pool


  • Abbaye de Flaran: Located in Valence-sur-Baïse, approximately 15 km from Chemin du Hour, Abbaye de Flaran is a beautifully preserved Cistercian abbey dating back to the 12th century. Visitors can explore the abbey's stunning architecture, gardens, and art exhibition showcasing contemporary works.
  • Château de Cassaigne: Situated in Cassaigne, around 18 km from Chemin du Hour, Château de Cassaigne is an enchanting medieval castle. It offers guided tours that allow visitors to delve into the castle's rich history, admire its well-preserved architecture, and sample its renowned Armagnac brandy.
  • Lectoure Cathedral: Found in the charming town of Lectoure, about 20 km from Chemin du Hour, Lectoure Cathedral is a striking Gothic-style cathedral. Its intricate stained glass windows, imposing bell tower, and impressive interior make it a must-visit for architecture and history enthusiasts.
  • La Romieu Collegiate Church: Located in La Romieu, approximately 25 km from Chemin du Hour, La Romieu Collegiate Church is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture. Famous for its charming cloister and the legend of the "cat staircase," this UNESCO World Heritage site is both architecturally stunning and culturally intriguing.
  • Château de Lavardens: Situated in Lavardens, around 30 km from Chemin du Hour, Château de Lavardens is an imposing fortress-turned-museum. Visitors can explore its well-preserved medieval architecture, admire the panoramic views from its towers, and discover the various art exhibitions held within its walls.
  • Auvillar: Located approximately 35 km from Chemin du Hour, Auvillar is a picturesque village renowned for its circular market square and charming half-timbered houses. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, visit the 13th-century St. Peter's Church, and enjoy the panoramic views of the Garonne River.
  • Condom: Situated approximately 40 km from Chemin du Hour, Condom is a historic town with a rich heritage. The town's highlights include the magnificent Condom Cathedral with its impressive organ and beautiful stained glass windows, as well as the charming Old Town with its medieval streets and picturesque squares.
  • Larressingle: Found around 45 km from Chemin du Hour, Larressingle is a fortified village often referred to as the "Little Carcassonne." Encircled by medieval walls, this perfectly preserved village offers visitors a glimpse into the past with its cobbled streets, fortified gateways, and a well-preserved castle. Note: Distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific location within Chemin du Hour.

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