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Dulau Jean-Pascal
57 Rue de Mirambeau


2 reviews

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price from €1000






Description for Gite

Located in a serene and picturesque setting, this charming cottage is surrounded by lush greenery and offers complete privacy. Boasting a spacious layout, it is the perfect choice for family gatherings or get-togethers with friends. The dining area, reminiscent of a peaceful monastery, provides a stunning view of the tranquil pond through its numerous windows. On the first floor, facing east, south, and west, you can enjoy breathtaking vistas of the ponds, garden, and orchard. The unique open architecture and oriental-inspired decor create an enchanting atmosphere that is rarely found in the Basque Country. The kitchen and bathrooms are adorned with exquisite tiled designs, while the sinks are beautifully crafted from carved stone. Additionally, the property features an "old forge" which is perfect for barbecues, and a large wooden table that warmly welcomes you.


Appréciations pour Borde Zaharra, Cadre Champêtre à 2mn de Biarritz, Anglet:

un havre de verdure
Review by: feurasco, Oct 3 2013 10:27PM
Une maison atypique et étonnante, pleine de recoins et de richesse. Située en ville mais formant un véritable havre de verdure, rescapée du bétonnage par un propriétaire soucieux de l'environnement et de ses richesses. Maison spacieuse, très agréable, au confort simple. Accueil très sympathique, nous avons passé une très bonne semaine.
calme et reposant
Review by: nadia, Aou 10 2013 6:23PM
Nous étions 14, et avons passé une semaine agréable en juillet 2013, maison spacieuse à la déco surprenante, nous étions à l'aise, coin barbecue couvert très pratique en cas de pluie, coin terrasse très agréable pour le petit déjeuner, endroit beaucoup arboré. Navette gratuite à 10mn à pied pour aller à la plage. Propriétaire très sympathique. Y retournerons peut être..

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extra bed
Holiday Home 14 1000 2800




  • Château d'Anglet: Located just a short distance from the address, Château d'Anglet is a beautiful castle that dates back to the 13th century. Visitors can explore its well-preserved architecture and learn about its fascinating history.
  • La Barre Beach: Situated along the Bay of Biscay, La Barre Beach offers a picturesque stretch of golden sand and clear blue waters. It is a popular spot for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying various water sports.
  • Biarritz: Just a few kilometers away, the glamorous seaside resort town of Biarritz attracts tourists with its stunning beaches, luxurious hotels, and vibrant nightlife. Visitors can also explore its historical sites such as the Rocher de la Vierge and the Biarritz Lighthouse.
  • Phare de Biarritz: This iconic lighthouse in Biarritz offers breathtaking panoramic views of the coast. Visitors can climb to the top and admire the stunning scenery or learn about the history of the lighthouse at the on-site museum.
  • Cité de l'Océan et du Surf: Located in Biarritz, this interactive museum is dedicated to the ocean and surfing. It offers a range of exhibits, including an aquarium, interactive displays, and simulators that allow visitors to experience the thrill of riding the waves.
  • Bayonne: A historic city known for its charming old town, Bayonne is located just a short drive from Anglet. Visitors can wander through its narrow streets, admire the medieval architecture, and indulge in the city's famous chocolate and ham.
  • Musée Basque et de l'Histoire de Bayonne: This museum in Bayonne showcases the rich history and culture of the Basque region. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, artworks, and exhibitions that provide insight into the area's heritage.
  • Golf de Chiberta: Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf at this scenic 18-hole golf course located in Anglet. With its beautiful landscapes and coastal views, it offers a memorable golfing experience for players of all levels.
  • Jardin Botanique de Bayonne: Nature lovers can explore this peaceful botanical garden in Bayonne. The garden features a wide variety of plants, including indigenous species, and offers a tranquil setting for a leisurely stroll. 10. Espelette: Located a short drive inland, the village of Espelette is famous for its vibrant red peppers. Visitors can explore the picturesque streets, visit pepper farms, and sample the local cuisine, which often incorporates this spicy ingredient.

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