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Cowen Charles
Hameau De Franc



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €88




Description for B&B:

In the heart of Cathar country, nestled between the medieval city of Carcassonne, the Canal du Midi, and the Black Mountain, you will find Montolieu Book Village. This charming village is the perfect destination for those looking to immerse themselves in culture or simply relax for a few days. At the end of a scenic road alongside the river, in a picturesque valley, stands The Forge of Montolieu. This historic building was once an old forge and mill, but has since been converted into a beautiful late nineteenth-century mansion.

Surrounded by a park filled with ancient channels and secret paths, the Forge of Montolieu offers a surprising variety of vegetation. Charles and Laura Cowen welcome you to this tranquil retreat, providing four spacious bedrooms that each boast a unique industrial history and reflect the "golden age" of the house. Two of the rooms, the goddess and Madame Gazelle, are very large and offer stunning views of the river to the east, while the other two, ginko biloba and Ourika's room, provide a peaceful ambiance with views of a waterfall and majestic nature.

These first-floor rooms are complemented by two large, well-appointed bathrooms that overlook the river. Guests of the house have access to their own private room, ensuring a comfortable and personalized stay. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner can be arranged upon request and are served at a large kitchen table adorned with beautiful wrought iron. When weather permits, meals can also be enjoyed outside.

For more information or to make a booking, please contact Charles and Laura Cowen at La Forge - Hameau de France - 11170 Montolieu.


Appréciations pour Forge de Montolieu, Montolieu:

Un lieu magique
Review by: HENRIOUD, Juin 6 2016 1:42PM
Un week-end magique dans le Cocoon Tree, une boule douillette et confortable, accrochée dans les arbres à côtés d'un magnifique lac et au milieu d'une nature enchanteresse. Tout est beau, charmant et bon à la Forge de Montolieu. Découvert par hasard pour un week-end surprise improvisé nous sommes tombés sous le charme de ce lieux et de ses propriétaires. Nous avons hâte de revenir nous évader et nous régaler.

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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
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extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 88 100 20 Oui
(3 pers.)
3 90 100 20 Oui


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  • Montolieu Village: Located in the charming village of Montolieu, this tourist attraction is known as the "Village of Books." It houses numerous bookshops, libraries, and art galleries, making it a haven for book lovers and art enthusiasts.
  • Lastours Castle: Situated approximately 9 kilometers away from Hameau De Franc, Lastours Castle is a group of four medieval castles perched atop a rocky hill. Visitors can explore the ruins, enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape, and learn about the region's rich history.
  • Carcassonne Medieval City: Just a short drive from Hameau De Franc, Carcassonne Medieval City is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most impressive medieval fortifications. The well-preserved walls, narrow streets, and historic buildings transport visitors back in time, offering a glimpse into the Middle Ages.
  • Canal du Midi: This picturesque canal, also a UNESCO World Heritage site, passes through Montolieu and offers opportunities for scenic boat tours, bike rides, and leisurely walks along its banks. The canal is lined with beautiful trees and connects the Mediterranean Sea to the Atlantic Ocean.
  • Abbey of Saint-Papoul: Situated in the nearby village of Saint-Papoul, this Romanesque abbey dates back to the 8th century and features stunning architecture and intricate carvings. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, and gardens, immersing themselves in its peaceful and historical ambiance.
  • Limousis Cave: Located approximately 10 kilometers southeast of Hameau De Franc, Limousis Cave is a fascinating underground attraction. Visitors can discover vast chambers adorned with impressive stalactites and stalagmites, as well as an underground lake, providing a unique and memorable experience.
  • Fontfroide Abbey: Situated around 40 kilometers southwest of Hameau De Franc, Fontfroide Abbey is a Cistercian monastery renowned for its beautiful architecture and serene surroundings. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, gardens, and enjoy peaceful walks through the nearby vineyards.
  • Narbonne: A historic city located about 30 kilometers south of Hameau De Franc, Narbonne offers a variety of attractions. Visitors can explore the ancient Roman ruins, visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, stroll along the Canal de la Robine, and enjoy the city's vibrant markets and charming streets. These tourist attractions near Hameau De Franc offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles and villages to immersing oneself in the rich history and natural beauty of the region.

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