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Vincent Desestret
511 Route des Clapats
Lans En Vercors


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €56





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Description for B&B:

Hello, I'm Vincent and my Chalet en Vercors is situated in the heart of the Vercors natural park. I warmly welcome you to my chalet, surrounded by the beauty of nature. It is the perfect place to unwind, engage in various sports activities such as cross country skiing, skiing, snowshoeing, hiking, climbing, paragliding, and spelunking, or simply enjoy a peaceful holiday.

Convenience is at your fingertips as everything you need is within walking distance from the chalet, eliminating the need for a car. The location of the chalet in Lans-en-Vercors provides easy access to Grenoble, St Geoirs, and St Exuperys airports.

As a mountain guide with 12 years of experience in this marvelous place, I would be delighted to offer you advice on the best trails, must-visit places, and local food specialties. Additionally, I am fluent in English, having spent 10 years guiding in Scotland, Canada's Rocky Mountains, and South Africa.

Join me at Chalet en Vercors for an unforgettable experience amidst breathtaking natural surroundings.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our expansive 200 m2 Chalet! This spacious accommodation boasts a well-equipped kitchen, two modern bathrooms, and four comfortable bedrooms. Additionally, we are thrilled to offer a dedicated video projection room, complete with a vast collection of movies for your entertainment pleasure.


Appréciations pour Chalet Alpes Nature & Vercors, Lans En Vercors:

Review by: patricia chikitou, Mar 13 2021 2:56PM
Une escale de trois jours à la montagne chez Vincent ....comme chez des amis. Une halte ensoleillée loin de la ville... Vincent est disponible pour discuter à bâtons rompus et le soir il peut sortir son téléscope astronomique et nous proposer de voyager dans les étoiles !!!
Review by: MEZURAT, Juin 29 2016 6:36PM
Bien que le sejour fut ecourté, nous avons apprécié le moment avec vincent. Un tres bon accueil, tres chaleureux, un chalet tres bien situé et un pount de vue majestueux. Noys reviendrons
Response from property:
Merci Christophe, c'était plaisir de partager ce moment. Le pineau fait maison est un délice. A bientôt

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To reach Grenoble from Lyon, it will take approximately 1 hour and 15 minutes. Start by following the A43 and A48/E711 highways. Upon reaching Grenoble, take exit number 14 for Saint-Égrève/Le Fontanil and exit the A48/E71 highway. From there, continue your journey towards the village of Lans-en-Vercors by following the D531 road.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 56 58 380 406
(3 pers.)
1 68 78 460 536




  • Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors: Located near Lans En Vercors, this regional natural park offers breathtaking landscapes, including mountains, plateaus, and forests. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, rock climbing, and even skiing in the winter.
  • Grotte de Choranche: Situated in the Vercors Massif, the Grotte de Choranche is a stunning cave system known for its impressive stalactite and stalagmite formations. Guided tours allow visitors to explore the underground wonders and learn about the cave's geological history.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Isère: Located in nearby Grenoble, this museum provides insight into the French Resistance and deportation during World War II. Exhibits include photographs, documents, and personal testimonies, offering a poignant and educational experience.
  • Grenoble-Bastille Cable Car: The iconic cable car in Grenoble offers panoramic views as it ascends to the Bastille, a fortress overlooking the city. Once at the top, visitors can explore the fortress, enjoy the scenic viewpoints, and even try paragliding.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: A unique attraction in Hauterives, approximately 2 hours away, this extraordinary structure was built by Ferdinand Cheval, a postman, over a period of 33 years. The Palais Idéal is an architectural marvel, displaying a blend of various styles and elaborate sculptures.
  • Musée de Grenoble: This renowned art museum in Grenoble houses a vast collection of artworks, ranging from ancient to contemporary. Visitors can admire masterpieces by artists such as Picasso, Monet, Gauguin, and Rodin, as well as temporary exhibitions.
  • Lac de Monteynard-Avignonet: A beautiful lake surrounded by mountains, Lac de Monteynard-Avignonet is a great spot for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sailing, windsurfing, or simply relax on the lake's beaches while admiring the picturesque surroundings.
  • Jardin des Fontaines Pétrifiantes: Located in La Sône, this unique garden features petrifying fountains, where mineral-rich waters flow over objects, gradually transforming them into stone. Visitors can learn about the petrification process and explore the garden's lush vegetation.
  • Vercors Plateau: As part of the Parc Naturel Régional du Vercors, the Vercors Plateau offers stunning views and diverse flora and fauna. It is a perfect destination for nature lovers, offering numerous trails for hiking, cycling, and wildlife spotting. 10. Musée de l'Ancien Évêché: Situated in Grenoble's historic district, this museum showcases the region's history and art. Housed in an 18th-century former bishop's palace, the museum exhibits archaeological artifacts, religious art, and medieval sculptures.

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