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Gwenaël Marchand


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €68






Description for B&B:

To access the website, simply click on the "website" tab located above on the right-hand side. The Gouelet-Ker guest houses have undergone complete restoration in 2003 and recently in 2017. These houses were originally part of an old farm that has been reserved exclusively for our valued guests. Situated just 300 meters away from the sea, Gouelet-Ker offers stunning views of the ocean from both the terraces and the first-floor bedroom. Each accommodation is fully independent, boasting a private terrace and garden. Additionally, these accommodations feature a comfortable living room and a well-equipped kitchen that are conveniently connected. Experience ultimate comfort and enjoy absolute freedom during your stay. Our prime location between Quimper and Brest allows for easy access to the entire department within an hour's drive. In Logonna itself, you will find tranquility and relaxation, as our unique atmosphere combines the beauty of the sea with the serenity of the countryside. Moreover, the coastal hiking trail spanning 23 kilometers passes right by our doorstep.


Appréciations pour Gîtes ou Chambres d'Hôtes de Gouelet-Ker, Logonna-Daoulas:

chambres d'hôtes de gouelet-ker
Review by: gabrielle queignec, Aou 1 2012 8:40AM
Une maison très agréable, originale, décorée avec goût; et un propriétaire avec beaucoup d'humour. Je recommanderais vivement cet endroit à mes amis.

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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 68 95 15 oui
(3 pers.)
1 88 oui
Holiday Home 1 275 650


Animals Allowed


  • Daoulas Abbey - Located in the nearby town of Daoulas, the Daoulas Abbey is a former monastery dating back to the 12th century. The abbey features stunning Romanesque architecture, beautiful gardens, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Le Faou - Situated on the banks of the Élorn River, Le Faou is a picturesque medieval village known for its well-preserved half-timbered houses and charming narrow streets. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Church of Saint-Sauveur, and enjoy scenic walks along the river.
  • Brest Castle - Located in the city of Brest, approximately 20 kilometers from Gouelet-Ker, Brest Castle is a massive fortress overlooking the harbor. Built in the 14th century, the castle now houses the National Maritime Museum, offering exhibitions on maritime history and providing panoramic views of the city.
  • Oceanopolis - Situated in Brest, Oceanopolis is a popular aquarium and ocean discovery park. It features various themed pavilions showcasing different marine environments, such as polar, tropical, and temperate zones. Visitors can observe a wide range of marine species, attend educational presentations, and learn about marine conservation.
  • Crozon Peninsula - Located west of Gouelet-Ker, the Crozon Peninsula offers breathtaking coastal landscapes and pristine beaches. Visitors can explore rugged cliffs, hidden coves, and the famous Pointe de Pen-Hir, known for its stunning rock formations. The peninsula is also a great spot for hiking, surfing, and enjoying the natural beauty of the region.
  • Musee de la Fraise et du Patrimoine - Situated in Plougastel-Daoulas, this museum is dedicated to strawberries, a local specialty of the region. The museum showcases the history, cultivation, and culinary uses of strawberries, and offers tastings of various strawberry-based products. It also provides insights into the cultural heritage of Plougastel-Daoulas.
  • La Roche-Maurice Castle - Located near Gouelet-Ker, La Roche-Maurice Castle is a medieval fortress perched on a rocky outcrop. Visitors can explore the castle ruins, admire panoramic views of the surrounding countryside, and learn about the history of the site, which dates back to the 11th century.
  • Menez-Hom - Situated a short drive from Gouelet-Ker, Menez-Hom is a prominent mountain in the region, offering stunning panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. It is a popular spot for hiking and paragliding, providing outdoor enthusiasts with opportunities to immerse themselves in nature.
  • Locronan - Located approximately 30 kilometers from Gouelet-Ker, Locronan is a beautifully preserved medieval village with well-preserved granite houses and cobblestone streets. It has been featured in several movies due to its picturesque setting and historic ambiance. Visitors can wander through the charming village, visit the Church of Saint-Ronan, and explore local artisan shops. 10. The Abers - The Abers, or Aber Wrac'h and Aber Benoît, are estuaries located along the northern coast of Brittany, near Gouelet-Ker. These natural wonders offer stunning views of the sea meeting the land, forming unique ecosystems with diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks along the coastal paths, observe birdlife, and explore charming fishing villages along the estuaries.

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