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Yvan Burtin
5 Rue De L'aire
Saint Jean De Fos


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Price per week:

price from €3502




Description for B&B:

Come and experience the charm of our two stunning and cozy bedrooms, eagerly awaiting your arrival. They offer the perfect setting for a tranquil and rejuvenating getaway amidst the picturesque countryside.

During your stay, take pleasure in strolling to the nearby Pont du Diable, a delightful swimming and bathing spot, or venture into the heart of our village where you'll discover a variety of shops, restaurants, and engaging pottery workshops. Alternatively, embrace the serenity by embarking on a leisurely walk along the footpath conveniently located right in front of our residence.


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When you reach the entrance of St Jean de Fos from Aniane, turn onto Monument Street. As you continue on this street, you will notice the area street slightly elevated on your left. Keep going until you reach a black gate. Congratulations, you have reached your destination.



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2 525 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Pont du Diable: Located in nearby Saint Guilhem le Désert, the Pont du Diable is a medieval bridge spanning the Hérault River. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers stunning views of the surrounding natural beauty.
  • Grotte de Clamouse: Situated close to Saint Jean de Fos, the Grotte de Clamouse is a magnificent cave system known for its stunning stalactites and stalagmites. Visitors can take guided tours to explore the underground wonders and learn about the geological formations.
  • Lac du Salagou: A picturesque lake located approximately 20 kilometers from Saint Jean de Fos, Lac du Salagou offers a variety of outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy swimming, sailing, fishing, and hiking around the lake, while also admiring the unique red soil and surrounding landscapes.
  • Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert: A charming medieval village nestled in the Herault Valley, Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert is known for its well-preserved architecture and historical significance. The village is a popular tourist destination, offering narrow streets, quaint shops, and the famous Abbey of Gellone, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Cirque de Navacelles: Located within the Cevennes National Park, the Cirque de Navacelles is a breathtaking natural amphitheater carved by the Vis River. It offers spectacular views of the deep gorge and the surrounding plateaus, making it a popular spot for hiking and photography.
  • Château de Montpellier-le-Vieux: Situated within the Causse Noir, the Château de Montpellier-le-Vieux is a unique rock formation resembling a ruined castle. Visitors can explore the site through well-marked trails and enjoy panoramic views of the stunning landscape.
  • Pont de Saint-Etienne d'Issensac: This medieval bridge, located near Gignac, is an architectural gem. It features an impressive single arch spanning the Hérault River and offers a picturesque spot for photography and relaxation.
  • Abbey of Valmagne: Situated near Villeveyrac, the Abbey of Valmagne is a former Benedictine monastery dating back to the 12th century. It is known for its beautiful Gothic architecture, stunning gardens, and its excellent wine production.
  • Montpellier: The vibrant city of Montpellier is a short drive away from Saint Jean de Fos. It offers a rich history, architectural landmarks, bustling squares, and a lively atmosphere. Visitors can explore the historic center, visit the Place de la Comédie, or enjoy the city's numerous museums and cultural events. 10. Mediterranean Beaches: The beautiful Mediterranean coast is easily accessible from Saint Jean de Fos. Visitors can enjoy a day trip to nearby beaches such as Palavas-les-Flots, Carnon, or La Grande-Motte, where they can relax, swim, and soak up the sun.

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