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Frédéric Calas
Domaine de Campras


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Holiday Home 1 85 120 440 690 20 0650


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  • Château de Saissac: Located just a few kilometers away from Domaine de Campras, Château de Saissac is a medieval fortress that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. Visitors can explore the ruins of the castle, walk along the ramparts, and learn about its fascinating history.
  • Canal du Midi: This UNESCO World Heritage Site is a historic canal that stretches from Toulouse to the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can take a boat tour or go for a leisurely walk or bike ride along the canal's towpath, enjoying the picturesque scenery, quaint villages, and charming locks along the way.
  • Carcassonne: Approximately 20 kilometers from Domaine de Campras, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. The fortified walls, towers, and narrow streets of the Cité de Carcassonne transport visitors back in time. Inside the citadel, you'll find boutiques, restaurants, and museums that showcase the city's cultural heritage.
  • Abbey of Saint-Papoul: Situated in the village of Saint-Papoul, about 30 kilometers away, this Romanesque abbey is a hidden gem. Visitors can explore the beautiful cloister, admire the intricate architecture, and learn about the abbey's religious significance. The abbey also hosts occasional concerts and exhibitions.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Located just outside Carcassonne, Lac de la Cavayère is a stunning man-made lake surrounded by pine forests. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, paddleboarding, and hiking. The lake also has a sandy beach, picnic areas, and a treetop adventure park, making it a great spot for a family day out.
  • Lastours: Situated approximately 15 kilometers northeast of Domaine de Campras, Lastours is a small village known for its four historic Cathar castles. These castles, perched on a hilltop, offer magnificent views of the surrounding countryside. Visitors can hike up to the castles and explore the ruins while learning about the region's medieval past.
  • Basilica of Saint-Nazaire: Situated in the town of Carcassonne, the Basilica of Saint-Nazaire is a stunning example of Gothic architecture. The interior of the basilica is adorned with beautiful stained glass windows and intricate stone carvings. Visitors can attend a mass or simply enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Limousis Cave: Located around 10 kilometers from Domaine de Campras, Limousis Cave is a fascinating underground wonder. Visitors can explore the maze-like passages and admire the stunning rock formations, including the "Giant's Cauldron" and the "Crystal Gallery." Guided tours are available to learn about the geological history and the cave's discovery. These attractions near Domaine de Campras offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval fortresses and historical sites to enjoying natural beauty and outdoor activities.

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