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Brigitte Baudere
7 La Chaumette


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €59






Description for B&B:

There are two cottages that have been approved by GITE DE FRANCE with a 3-epis rating. These cottages offer a completely independent house for your relaxation. They are perfect for those who want to explore and appreciate nature, with the guidance of Brigitte, who is passionate about the environment. Each room has its own private bathroom and toilet. WIFI is also available for your convenience.


Appréciations pour Chambres D'Hôtes, Mainsat:

" La Chaumette " Week-end en Creuse
Review by: Maillard Lydia, Juil 5 2017 12:41AM
Un endroit très sympa, calme, reposant, fait pour les amoureux de la nature et de la tranquillité.
Accueil simple et chaleureux, une maison vraiment agréable. A faire et A refaire.
Merci à Brigitte Baudere

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To reach the guest house in Bellegarde from Mainsat, head towards Bellegarde for a distance of 4 km. Once you've reached this point, keep an eye out for a sign indicating the guest house, which is located just 200m away.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 59 65 300 380 20 oui




  • Château de Villemonteix: Located in Saint-Pardoux-les-Cards, this stunning castle is surrounded by a picturesque park. It offers guided tours that allow visitors to explore the rich history and architecture of the castle.
  • Gorges de la Sioule: A natural wonder situated near Châteauneuf-les-Bains, the Gorges de la Sioule offers breathtaking views and opportunities for outdoor activities such as hiking, canoeing, and fishing. The river running through the gorges creates a serene and picturesque landscape.
  • Vulcania: This educational amusement park is dedicated to volcanoes and geology. Located in Saint-Ours-les-Roches, Vulcania offers interactive exhibits, 3D movies, and thrilling simulations that provide visitors with a unique experience to learn about the fascinating world of volcanoes.
  • Château de Boussac: Situated in Boussac, this medieval castle dates back to the 12th century. With its impressive architecture and beautiful gardens, it attracts history enthusiasts and art lovers alike. The castle is also known for being the inspiration behind George Sand's novel, "Jeanne."
  • Maison de George Sand: Located in Nohant-Vic, this house-turned-museum was once the residence of the renowned French writer George Sand. Visitors can explore the rooms where Sand lived and wrote, as well as the beautiful gardens surrounding the property.
  • Abbaye de Noirlac: Situated in Bruère-Allichamps, this Cistercian abbey is known for its stunning architecture and tranquil surroundings. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about the abbey's history, visit the art exhibitions held within its walls, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere.
  • Château d'Ars: This Renaissance-style castle, located in La Châtre, offers visitors a chance to step back in time. With its well-preserved interior and beautiful gardens, the Château d'Ars provides a glimpse into the lavish lifestyle of the nobility during the 15th and 16th centuries.
  • Évaux-les-Bains: A small spa town near Mainsat, Évaux-les-Bains is known for its thermal waters and wellness facilities. Visitors can indulge in spa treatments, relax in the thermal baths, or explore the town's charming streets and historic buildings.
  • Les Pierres Jaumâtres: Situated in Toulx-Sainte-Croix, Les Pierres Jaumâtres is a collection of large granite rocks that form a unique and mysterious landscape. Visitors can hike through the area, marvel at the impressive rock formations, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. 10. Musée de la Tapisserie d'Aubusson: Located in Aubusson, this museum showcases the art of tapestry-making, which has been a significant craft in the region for centuries. Visitors can admire intricate tapestries and learn about the techniques and history behind this traditional art form. These attractions near 7 La Chaumette, Mainsat, France offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring historical castles to immersing oneself in the natural beauty of the region.

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