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Nathalie Fauvin
Bois Retour


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price from €90




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Nathalie Fauvin invites you to her estate in the beautiful Beaujolais region, known as the "Eagle's Nest" by locals due to its stunning panoramic views of the Beaujolais and Saone river valley. As the passionate winemaker and owner of the family-run winery since 2002, Nathalie offers a warm welcome to wine enthusiasts and fine gourmets alike. At Les Hauts de Chénas, you can expect delightful surprises, including the opportunity to enjoy Nathalie's delicious cooking. Additionally, the estate offers spacious and modern bathrooms for added comfort. Don't miss the chance to indulge in a free wine tasting and visit the wine museum, a perfect activity for wine lovers.


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To reach your destination, take exit 29 on the A6 motorway and proceed in the direction of La Chapelle de Guinchay and Chenas. Keep following this route until you reach a village, which is located 1 km after the Cave du Chateau de Chénas.



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  • Château de Chenas: Located in the heart of the Chénas vineyards, this historic castle offers guided tours and wine tastings. Visitors can explore the castle's beautiful architecture and learn about the winemaking process.
  • Hameau Duboeuf: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, just a short drive from Bois Retour, Hameau Duboeuf is a wine-themed park and museum. It showcases the history and culture of winemaking in the Beaujolais region, with interactive exhibits, a wine cellar, and a collection of vintage wine tools.
  • Abbey of Cluny: Approximately 30 kilometers from Bois Retour, the Abbey of Cluny is a significant religious site. Once the largest church in the Christian world, it played a crucial role in medieval history. Visitors can explore the ruins and gain insight into the influential Cluniac Order.
  • Parc des Oiseaux: Located in Villars-les-Dombes, around 40 kilometers from Bois Retour, this bird park is a paradise for nature lovers. It houses a vast array of bird species from around the world, with beautiful aviaries and interactive exhibits. The park also offers educational shows and activities for all ages.
  • Beaujolais Wine Route: Stretching through the picturesque Beaujolais vineyards, the wine route offers breathtaking views and the opportunity to explore charming wine villages. Visitors can stop at various wineries along the way, taste different Beaujolais wines, and learn about the region's winemaking traditions.
  • Touroparc Zoo: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, Touroparc Zoo is a family-friendly attraction featuring a wide range of animals from different continents. The zoo offers various exhibits, including a tropical greenhouse, a safari trail, and educational presentations.
  • Lyon: As the third-largest city in France, Lyon is approximately 60 kilometers from Bois Retour. Known for its rich history and vibrant culture, Lyon offers numerous attractions including the UNESCO-listed Old Town, the Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière, and the renowned Museum of Fine Arts.
  • Popy Park: Located in Belleville-en-Beaujolais, just a short distance from Bois Retour, Popy Park is an amusement park suitable for families and children. It offers a range of rides, including roller coasters, carousels, and water attractions.
  • Le Hameau du Vin: Situated in Romanèche-Thorins, Le Hameau du Vin is a wine-themed museum dedicated to the history and culture of wine. Visitors can learn about winemaking techniques, explore the vineyard-themed gardens, and enjoy wine tastings. 10. Village of Pérouges: Approximately 70 kilometers from Bois Retour, the medieval village of Pérouges is a must-visit destination. Its well-preserved cobblestone streets, ancient buildings, and charming atmosphere take visitors back in time. Explore the village's craft shops, enjoy delicious local cuisine, and immerse yourself in the medieval ambiance.

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