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Le Prieure
Rte des Blancs



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price from €38






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our 100% natural mountain retreat nestled under the sun of the "Alpes dAzur"! Situated near the breathtaking Mercantour National Park, "Le Prieuré" is a charming old mountain farm that has been transformed into a delightful camping site and holiday gite. Spanning across 12 hectares of meadows and forests, this property offers a serene, unspoiled, and captivating environment just 100 km away from the vibrant city of Nice.

Description for Gite

Welcome to our 100% natural mountain retreat, nestled under the sun of the "Alpes d'Azur"! Discover the enchanting beauty of "Le Prieuré", a charming camping-site and holiday gite nestled close to the magnificent Mercantour National Park. Once an authentic mountain farm, this idyllic 12-hectare property boasts sprawling meadows, lush forests, and a tranquil atmosphere. Immerse yourself in a preserved and attractive environment, just 100 km away from the vibrant city of Nice.


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You can reach the destination either by taking the route through Barcelonnette and the "Col de la Cayolle". Please note that the "Col de la Cayolle" is closed during winter and sometimes until spring. It is important to be aware that caravans are not allowed on this route. Although it offers a splendid journey, it can be tiring after a long trip.

Alternatively, you can choose the route via Nice or Digne. Depart from National Road 202 at the "Pont de Gueydan" crossing and follow Departmental Road 2202 towards Guillaumes. Saint-Martin-dEntraunes is situated on D.R 2202, approximately 12 km north of Guillaumes.

"Le Prieuré" is located 2 km from the village, on the opposite side of the Var River.

Wishing you a pleasant journey!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 38 48 220 330 NON
Apartment 4 54 64 305 530 NON
Holiday Home 10 88 98 265 765 NON


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Parc National du Mercantour: Located in the heart of the Mercantour massif, this national park offers breathtaking landscapes, alpine lakes, and diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and wildlife spotting.
  • Col de la Cayolle: A scenic mountain pass situated at an altitude of 2,326 meters, Col de la Cayolle offers spectacular views of the surrounding mountains and valleys. It is a popular destination for cycling enthusiasts and offers opportunities for hiking and picnicking.
  • Gorges de Daluis: Known as the "Red Gorges," this natural wonder features stunning red rock formations carved by the Var River. Visitors can explore the scenic canyon by car, bike, or foot, while enjoying the dramatic landscapes and unique geological features.
  • Saint-Martin d'Entraunes: The charming village itself is worth a visit, with its traditional architecture and peaceful atmosphere. Take a stroll through the narrow streets, admire the picturesque houses, and discover the local shops and cafes.
  • Auron: A popular ski resort located in the southern French Alps, Auron offers a range of winter sports activities, including skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing. In the summer, visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, and exploring the alpine scenery.
  • Valberg: Another renowned ski resort in the region, Valberg combines modern facilities with a traditional mountain village ambiance. Besides skiing and snowboarding, visitors can enjoy ice skating, sledding, and a variety of other winter activities.
  • Lac d'Allos: Situated in the Mercantour National Park, Lac d'Allos is the largest high-altitude lake in Europe. Surrounded by alpine meadows and snow-capped peaks, it offers a picturesque setting for hiking, picnicking, and wildlife observation.
  • Tinée Valley: This beautiful valley is known for its charming villages, such as Saint-Étienne-de-Tinée and Saint-Dalmas-le-Selvage. Visitors can explore the traditional architecture, visit historic churches, and enjoy outdoor activities like hiking, fishing, and skiing.
  • Beuil: Nestled in the mountains, Beuil is a picturesque medieval village characterized by its stone houses and narrow streets. Visitors can wander through the village, visit the 17th-century Church of Saint-Martin, and enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding landscape. 10. Fort de la Forca: Located near Saint-Martin d'Entraunes, this historical fort offers a glimpse into the region's military past. Built in the late 19th century, it provides panoramic views of the surrounding mountains and valleys, making it a great spot for photography enthusiasts.

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