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Christian Saltet
Le Peyronnenq
Tauriac de Naucelle


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Price per night:

price from €60





Description for B&B:

Enjoy the convenience of three charming rooms in a beautifully renovated barn. Each room features a comfortable 160cm bed, a reversible air conditioning system, and a private bathroom with toilet. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking views of the Lévézou hills. In the evening, indulge in a delicious meal showcasing the region's specialties by making a reservation.

Description for Gite

Experience the charm of a traditional Aveyronaise house in this beautifully renovated character gite. With 4 bedrooms, each furnished with a comfortable double bed, except for one room that features two 90 beds, this accommodation offers ample space for relaxation. The cozy living room and kitchen area boasts a delightful fireplace, perfect for cozy evenings. Additionally, there are 2 bathrooms, 2 toilets, and a spacious hall. Each room is equipped with air conditioning for your comfort. Outside, you can enjoy a barbecue in the charming outdoor area.


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To reach our location, follow these revised travel directions: Head towards Tanus by taking N 88 after passing through Albi and Rodez. Once you reach the House Jean's Bridge, you will find us just 1.5 kilometers away. Please note that the remaining part of your journey includes a bend.



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Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: pour 2 personnes
Notes: pour 3 personnes
Notes: Gite 8 personnes


Swimming Pool


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  • Albi Cathedral: Situated in the city of Albi, this imposing Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Admire its intricate brickwork, beautiful stained glass windows, and the impressive Last Judgment fresco.
  • Millau Viaduct: Spanning the Tarn River near Millau, this modern engineering marvel is the tallest bridge in the world. Enjoy panoramic views from the various viewpoints and visit the visitor center to learn about its construction.
  • Sainte-Cécile Cathedral, Albi: Another architectural gem in Albi, this fortress-like cathedral is known for its intricate interior frescoes and stunning 18-meter high painted choir screen.
  • Micropolis Insect Museum: Located in Saint-Léons, this unique museum explores the world of insects and their vital role in the ecosystem. Discover over 12,000 specimens, interactive exhibits, and even participate in bug tastings!
  • Roquefort Cheese Caves: Journey to the village of Roquefort-sur-Soulzon and explore the underground caves where the famous Roquefort cheese is aged. Learn about the traditional production process and enjoy tastings of this delicious blue cheese.
  • Cap'Découverte: Located in Le Garric, this former open-pit coal mine has been transformed into a recreational area. Enjoy activities such as zip-lining, skateboarding, mountain biking, and swimming in the lake.
  • Peyrusse-le-Roc: Explore the ruins of this medieval village, nestled in a picturesque valley. Discover the remnants of its castle, churches, and fortified walls while enjoying the peaceful ambiance.
  • Rodez Cathedral: Visit the city of Rodez and marvel at its impressive cathedral, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Admire its towering bell tower, intricate sculptures, and visit the adjacent Diocese Museum. 10. Belcastel: This charming village is known for its well-preserved medieval architecture. Explore its cobbled streets, visit the 15th-century castle, and enjoy the picturesque views of the Aveyron River. These tourist attractions near Le Peyronnenq offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, allowing you to discover the beauty and charm of the region.

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