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L. Moerings
17 Faubourg Saint Michel


2 reviews

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price from €92





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Appréciations pour SÛN, Rabastens:

Séjour de 3 jours
Review by: Carva , Avr 15 2024 10:26AM
Accueil très sympa. Hôte très disponible. Tout confort
Une excellente expérience
Review by: Trsll007, Mar 3 2016 9:42AM
Vraiment un bon moment et une agréable nuit; accueilli par une trés agréable hôtesse. Repas copieux et exquis .A refaire, nous conseillons....

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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 92 95
(3 pers.)
1 130 20
Holiday Home 1


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  • Musée du Pays Rabastinois: Located in the heart of Rabastens, this museum offers a glimpse into the history and culture of the Pays Rabastinois region. It exhibits a wide range of artifacts, including archaeological finds, paintings, and traditional crafts.
  • Abbaye Saint-Michel de Gaillac: Situated in the nearby town of Gaillac, this ancient abbey is a must-visit for history enthusiasts. Founded in the 10th century, it showcases stunning Romanesque architecture and houses a beautiful cloister.
  • Jardin des Martels: Just a short drive from Rabastens, this botanical garden is a paradise for nature lovers. It features a vast collection of plants, including exotic species, and offers various themed gardens, a butterfly house, and a miniature train ride.
  • Le Tarn à Vélo: If you enjoy cycling, Le Tarn à Vélo is a fantastic way to explore the picturesque countryside. This scenic cycling route follows the banks of the Tarn River, passing through charming villages, vineyards, and offering stunning views along the way.
  • Château de Mauriac: Located in Senouillac, this historic castle dates back to the 13th century. It boasts an impressive fortress-like structure and offers guided tours that take visitors through its grand halls, chapels, and picturesque gardens.
  • Musée de la Mine de Cagnac-les-Mines: Situated in Cagnac-les-Mines, this museum provides insight into the region's mining heritage. Visitors can explore the underground galleries, learn about the mining techniques, and discover the lives of the miners through informative exhibitions.
  • Les Bordes Golf Club: Golf enthusiasts can enjoy a round of golf at Les Bordes Golf Club, which is located in Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val. This prestigious golf course offers a challenging yet scenic experience, surrounded by beautiful landscapes and rolling hills.
  • Château de Penne: Perched on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Aveyron River, the Château de Penne is an impressive medieval fortress. Visitors can explore the castle's ruins, walk along its ramparts, and enjoy breathtaking views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Musée du Vieux Montauban: Located in Montauban, this museum showcases the rich history and heritage of the city. It houses a diverse collection of artifacts, including paintings, sculptures, and historical objects, providing a fascinating glimpse into Montauban's past. 10. Base de Loisirs de Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave: Situated near the town of Saint-Nicolas-de-la-Grave, this recreational area offers a range of activities for outdoor enthusiasts. It features a large lake where visitors can engage in water sports, fishing, or simply relax on the sandy beach. Please note that the distances mentioned are approximate and may vary depending on the specific location within Rabastens.

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