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Sylvie Barralon
L'adroit De La Roche


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price from €250






Description for B&B:

The Gite de la Roche is a charming cottage located in the town of Bourg-Argental, situated in the natural park of Pilat near Saint-Etienne. Nestled on a farm, this beautiful stone house offers a spacious duplex layout, spanning 60 m² and accommodating up to 6 people comfortably. With a veranda and a separate entrance, privacy is ensured, while the inclusion of central heating adds to the overall comfort. The ground floor features a cozy living room with an open kitchen, a bathroom, and a separate toilet. Upstairs, you will find two bright bedrooms, one of which comes with a lovely balcony. Nature enthusiasts will be delighted by the abundance of walking trails, opportunities to observe untouched natural beauty, and the chance to visit the farm animals.


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extra bed
Holiday Home 6 250 300 - -


Animals Allowed


  • Parc Naturel Régional du Pilat: Located only a short distance away, this regional natural park offers beautiful landscapes, hiking trails, and panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore diverse flora and fauna, enjoy outdoor activities like cycling, walking, and picnicking, and appreciate the tranquility of nature.
  • Château de la Roche: Positioned on a rocky outcrop overlooking the town of Bourg-Argental, Château de la Roche is a medieval castle with a rich history. Visitors can take guided tours to learn about its architecture, explore the museum showcasing medieval artifacts, and admire the stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Vélorail du Haut-Vivarais: Experience a unique and fun activity by taking a ride on the Vélorail du Haut-Vivarais. Guests can pedal along an old railway track, passing through tunnels and enjoying the picturesque landscapes of the Ardèche region. It's an excellent way to combine adventure and sightseeing.
  • Musée de la Passementerie: Located in Saint-Jean-Bonnefonds, around 20 minutes from Bourg-Argental, this museum celebrates the art of passementerie, which is the craft of making decorative trimmings. Visitors can learn about the history, techniques, and materials used in this traditional craft through exhibits, demonstrations, and workshops.
  • Musée des civilisations: Situated in Annonay, approximately 30 minutes away, the Musée des civilisations showcases the rich heritage and history of the region. The museum houses a diverse collection of archaeological artifacts, ethnographic objects, and art pieces, allowing visitors to delve into the cultural past of the Ardèche region.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Located in Peaugres, about a 40-minute drive from Bourg-Argental, this wildlife park offers an exciting safari experience. Visitors can drive through the park to observe various animals such as lions, giraffes, elephants, and monkeys in their natural habitats. There is also a walking area where visitors can encounter smaller animals up close.
  • Musée d'Art Moderne et Contemporain de Saint-Étienne: Situated in Saint-Étienne, around a 45-minute drive away, this modern and contemporary art museum displays an extensive collection of artworks from the 19th century to the present day. The museum hosts temporary exhibitions, showcasing works by renowned artists, and offers a glimpse into the world of contemporary art.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Located in Hauterives, approximately a one-hour drive from Bourg-Argental, this unique architectural masterpiece is the result of the visionary work of a postman named Ferdinand Cheval. Constructed over 33 years, the Palais Idéal is an intricate structure adorned with various sculptures and intricate details, making it a fascinating and unusual tourist attraction. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring nature and history to enjoying art and wildlife. Whether you're seeking adventure, culture, or relaxation, there is something for everyone near L'adroit De La Roche in Bourg-argental, France.