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Dominique Leclef
740 Route Du Logis Neuf


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price from €50




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Description for B&B:

This cozy wooden country cottage offers exceptional comfort with new beds, a beautifully designed shower, and a delightful sunny terrace.

Description for Gite

Experience tranquility in a serene natural setting, nestled at an impressive altitude of 1200 metres. Behold breathtaking views of the majestic South Alpes and the captivating sea, creating a picturesque panorama. This idyllic haven is perfect for embracing the joys of leisurely walks and exhilarating snowshoeing during the winter months. Additionally, indulge in delightful meals upon reservation, and rest easy knowing that furry companions are welcome to join in on the adventure.


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(2 pers.)
1 50 70


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  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about 2 hours away from Caussols, Gorges du Verdon is a breathtaking canyon known as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy activities like hiking, kayaking, and boating, while admiring the turquoise waters and stunning cliffs.
  • Cannes: Situated approximately 45 minutes from Caussols, Cannes is renowned for its glamorous film festival and beautiful beaches. Visitors can stroll along the famous Promenade de la Croisette, explore the old town of Le Suquet, and enjoy luxurious shopping and dining experiences.
  • Nice: Located around 40 minutes away, Nice is a vibrant coastal city known for its stunning architecture, lively markets, and picturesque promenade. Visitors can explore the charming Old Town, visit the iconic Promenade des Anglais, and relax on the pebbly beaches.
  • Saint-Paul-de-Vence: Situated about 35 minutes from Caussols, Saint-Paul-de-Vence is a medieval hilltop village known for its artistic heritage. Visitors can wander through narrow cobblestone streets, visit art galleries, and admire the fortified walls surrounding the town.
  • Antibes: Located around 40 minutes away, Antibes offers a mix of history, culture, and natural beauty. Visitors can explore the charming old town with its narrow streets and lively markets, visit the Picasso Museum, and relax on the sandy beaches.
  • Grasse: Situated approximately 30 minutes from Caussols, Grasse is considered the perfume capital of the world. Visitors can tour perfume factories, learn about the history of perfume production, and explore the picturesque old town.
  • Eze: Located about 1 hour away, Eze is a medieval village perched on a rocky cliff overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Visitors can wander through narrow streets lined with art galleries and craft shops, visit the Jardin Exotique for panoramic views, and explore the ruins of the ancient castle.
  • Monaco: Situated approximately 1 hour away, Monaco is a glamorous city-state famous for its luxury casinos, yacht-filled harbor, and the Formula 1 Grand Prix. Visitors can explore the opulent Monte Carlo Casino, visit the Prince's Palace, and enjoy the scenic beauty of the French Riviera.
  • Menton: Located around 1 hour away, Menton is a charming coastal town known for its colorful buildings, beautiful gardens, and mild climate. Visitors can stroll along the Promenade du Soleil, explore the old town's narrow streets, and visit the famous gardens such as Jardin Serre de la Madone. 10. Vence: Situated about 30 minutes from Caussols, Vence is a picturesque town renowned for its artistic heritage. Visitors can explore the medieval old town, admire the works of famous artist Henri Matisse at the Chapelle du Rosaire, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of the town's squares and fountains.

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