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Thomas Pinkerton
12 Grande Rue


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Price per night:

price from €38






Description for B&B:

Located in the heart of the enchanting Breton countryside, our charming house sits on the outskirts of the picturesque village of Langon. This village is known for its ancient churches and standing stones, which are believed to possess mythical powers. It is a perfect destination for those who enjoy walking and cycling, and we even provide bikes for your convenience. The scenic Vilaine river is just a short stroll away, and there are various restaurants and pubs in the nearby bourg, only two minutes from our house.

The Breton people are renowned for their warm and hospitable nature, making all visitors feel like locals. They take great pride in their unique heritage, and their hardworking and festive spirit is evident during the numerous fetes and spectacles that take place throughout the year. Get ready to join in the traditional dancing and singing, as knowing the steps or words is not essential – the most important thing is to have fun and enjoy yourself.

Our beautifully restored 18th-century house, built during the time of the revolution, is conveniently located for those passing through on their way further south. It is also a great choice for those waiting for gite changeovers, or simply seeking a peaceful and rejuvenating stay for a couple of nights or a weekend.

We eagerly await your arrival and look forward to making you feel right at home. See you soon!

Description for Gite

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To get to Langon from Rennes/Nantes autoroute, take the Grand Fougeray cut off and follow the signs. After passing the church on the bend, you will reach Langon. Alternatively, if you are coming from the Redon/Rennes road, follow the signs for Langon (you can use Google Maps or Streetview for guidance).



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extra bed
Notes: rooms for 2-4 people




  • Château de Vitré: Located in the town of Vitré, approximately 30 kilometers from Langon, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. It features a stunning architectural design, well-preserved interiors, and picturesque gardens.
  • Mont-Saint-Michel: Situated about 120 kilometers from Langon, Mont-Saint-Michel is a famous island commune known for its medieval abbey. With its unique location and breathtaking views, it attracts millions of visitors each year.
  • Saint-Malo: Located approximately 130 kilometers from Langon, Saint-Malo is a coastal city known for its historic walled old town. Visitors can explore the ancient fortifications, stroll along the beautiful beaches, and indulge in delicious seafood.
  • Rennes: Situated about 45 kilometers from Langon, Rennes is the capital city of Brittany. It offers a mix of historical and modern attractions, including the Rennes Cathedral, Parlement de Bretagne, and Thabor Gardens.
  • Brocéliande Forest: Located around 85 kilometers from Langon, Brocéliande Forest is steeped in Arthurian legend and folklore. Visitors can explore the enchanting forest, visit the Tomb of Merlin, and discover the mythical Fountain of Barenton.
  • Dinan: Situated approximately 90 kilometers from Langon, Dinan is a charming medieval town with well-preserved ramparts and timber-framed buildings. Its picturesque streets, historic center, and panoramic views make it a delightful destination.
  • Domaine de Tremelin: Located about 60 kilometers from Langon, Domaine de Tremelin is a large leisure park that offers various activities for all ages. It features a lake for water sports, hiking trails, a treetop adventure course, and picnic areas.
  • Angers: Situated approximately 120 kilometers from Langon, Angers is known for its medieval castle, Château d'Angers, which houses the famous Tapestry of the Apocalypse. The city also offers beautiful gardens, charming streets, and a vibrant cultural scene.
  • Carnac: Located around 200 kilometers from Langon, Carnac is famous for its extensive collection of prehistoric standing stones. Visitors can witness the mysterious alignments and explore the nearby archaeological sites and museums. 10. Nantes: Situated approximately 150 kilometers from Langon, Nantes is a vibrant city known for its rich history and contemporary art scene. Attractions include the Château des Ducs de Bretagne, the innovative Les Machines de l'île, and the picturesque Isle of Nantes. These attractions offer a diverse range of experiences, from exploring medieval castles and historic towns to immersing oneself in nature and folklore.

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