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Contact Details:


Paijit Boucher
En Garrot Haut, 18 Chemin d'en Raillac
Loubens Lauragais


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €373





Description for B&B:

Indulge in comfort and elegance within our exquisite chambers. Transport yourself to the enchanting ambiance of the 1930s as you fall into a blissful slumber. Our establishment offers four separate and tastefully appointed rooms, each equipped with a private shower-room and toilet. With a capacity to accommodate up to eleven guests, experience a truly refined stay in our delightful abode.


Appréciations pour La Ferme de Loubens, Loubens Lauragais:

Review by: Brigitte & Pierre, Juil 31 2014 9:13PM
Venons de passer 3 nuits dans un cadre idéal au calme avec piscine, minets et quelques poules, tous aussi adorables les uns que les autres. Sympathique et bel accueil par les nouveaux propriétaires.
Notre séjour chez vous
Review by: MINODIER Marie-France, Juil 7 2011 3:33PM
4 nuits dans un cadre merveilleux et un hôte vraiment très sympathique. Les repas sont excellents et très copieux. Oh oui, vraiment très copieux. 3 poules très mignonnes nous tiennent compagnie ainsi que Jules qui est un beau chat très calin. Les chambres sont superbes avec un cachet vu nulle part ailleurs.
Je recommande cette adresse ++++.
Response from property:
Merci pour cet avis . J'espère que vous repasserez nous voir une prochaine fois, en attendant, passez un excellent été. Cordialement. Guy.

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To get to the Loubens Farm, follow the Toulouse/Castres axis on the RD826. Take the AURIAC/VENDINELLE direction and then turn left at the first opportunity. Continue straight and take the first right turn.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 373 373 oui
(3 pers.)
2 82 82 17 oui


Swimming Pool


  • Carcassonne: Located approximately 30 kilometers from En Garrot Haut, Carcassonne is a fortified city with a rich medieval history. Its stunning medieval citadel, known as La Cité, is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers visitors a chance to explore its narrow streets, picturesque squares, and well-preserved ramparts.
  • Canal du Midi: Running through the nearby city of Toulouse, Canal du Midi is a 17th-century canal that connects the Mediterranean Sea with the Atlantic Ocean. Visitors can take a boat ride or stroll along the canal's scenic towpaths, enjoying picturesque villages, beautiful landscapes, and historic locks along the way.
  • Toulouse: As the fourth largest city in France, Toulouse offers a vibrant mix of history, culture, and modernity. Known as the "Pink City" due to its distinctive pink-colored buildings, Toulouse boasts impressive landmarks such as the Basilica of Saint-Sernin, the Place du Capitole, and the Cité de l'Espace, a space-themed park and museum.
  • Albi: Located approximately 80 kilometers from En Garrot Haut, Albi is best known for its impressive cathedral, the Cathédrale Sainte-Cécile. Considered the largest brick cathedral in the world, it showcases stunning Gothic architecture and houses beautiful frescoes. Albi also offers charming medieval streets, a historic center, and the Toulouse-Lautrec Museum, dedicated to the famous painter.
  • Revel: Situated about 20 kilometers from En Garrot Haut, Revel is a picturesque medieval town famous for its colorful Saturday market. The market dates back to the 14th century and offers a wide array of local produce, crafts, and regional specialties. Revel also features a beautiful central square, the Place de la Halle, surrounded by half-timbered houses.
  • Castelnaudary: Known as the birthplace of the traditional French dish, cassoulet, Castelnaudary is a charming town situated on the Canal du Midi. Visitors can explore the town's historic center, visit the Cassoulet Museum, and enjoy a delicious meal at one of the local restaurants specializing in this hearty dish.
  • Lac de Saint-Ferréol: Located near Revel, the Lac de Saint-Ferréol is a scenic reservoir surrounded by beautiful forests and rolling hills. It offers various recreational activities such as swimming, picnicking, boating, and hiking. The lake is also known for its impressive dam and was designated as a UNESCO World Heritage site as part of the Canal du Midi. These attractions provide a range of historical, cultural, and natural experiences, ensuring visitors have a diverse and memorable time exploring the region near En Garrot Haut.