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Julie Rosset
La Lussie



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price from €450




Description for Gite

The House of Lison is a stunning stone dwelling that underwent a complete renovation in 2015. With ample space to comfortably accommodate up to 7 individuals, this charming cottage is an ideal choice for your stay.


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Holiday Home 1 450 690




  • Château de Crussol: Located in Saint-Péray, just a short drive from La Lussie, the Château de Crussol is a medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. Visitors can explore the ruins, admire panoramic views of the Rhône Valley, and learn about the castle's history.
  • Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval: Situated in Hauterives, about an hour's drive from La Lussie, Palais Idéal du Facteur Cheval is a unique and whimsical structure. Built by a postman named Ferdinand Cheval, the palace is a blend of different architectural styles and is considered a masterpiece of naïve art.
  • Vallon-Pont-d'Arc: Located in the Ardèche region, Vallon-Pont-d'Arc is a picturesque village known for its stunning natural beauty. The highlight is the Pont d'Arc, a natural stone bridge that spans the Ardèche River, offering opportunities for swimming, canoeing, and hiking in the surrounding Gorges de l'Ardèche.
  • Grotte Chauvet 2 - Ardèche: Situated near Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Grotte Chauvet 2 is a replica of the famous Chauvet Cave, which contains some of the world's oldest known cave paintings. Visitors can explore the replica cave and marvel at the stunning prehistoric artwork.
  • Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Ardèche: Located in Privas, the Musée de la Résistance et de la Déportation de l'Ardèche is a museum dedicated to the history of the Resistance during World War II. It showcases the stories and artifacts of local resistance fighters and provides insights into the region's wartime experience.
  • Safari de Peaugres: Situated in Peaugres, Safari de Peaugres is a popular wildlife park where visitors can observe over 1,000 animals from around the world. The park offers both walking and driving routes, allowing visitors to get up close to various species, including lions, giraffes, bears, and elephants.
  • Musée International de la Chaussure: Located in Romans-sur-Isère, the Musée International de la Chaussure is a museum dedicated to footwear. It explores the history, craftsmanship, and cultural significance of shoes, showcasing an extensive collection of footwear from different periods and cultures.
  • Pont d'Arc-Ardèche Nature Reserve: Situated near Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, the Pont d'Arc-Ardèche Nature Reserve is a protected area known for its unique geological formations and diverse flora and fauna. Visitors can hike along the trails, go kayaking or swimming in the river, and appreciate the natural beauty of the reserve. These attractions offer a range of experiences, from exploring historical sites and museums to enjoying stunning natural landscapes and encountering wildlife.

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