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Saladini Salvatore
Via Fortezza Pia
Ascoli Piceno


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Price per night:

price from €60






Description for B&B:

Discover Ascoli and its Surroundings

Within a short 10-minute walk from the B&B, you can reach the vibrant city center of Ascoli. Choose between strolling along the road or taking a scenic route down the 400 steps that wind through the picturesque Parco dell’Annunziata.

If you prefer to drive, it only takes 3 minutes to reach the Torricella covered parking lot, conveniently located near Piazza Arringo. Here, you will find affordable parking rates of only .60 euro per hour.

Ascoli Piceno is nestled amidst breathtaking countryside and medieval villages, offering a range of exciting activities and events throughout the year. Indulge in seasonal food festivals and explore the numerous options for memorable excursions. From skiing at Montagna dei Fiori and Forca Canapine to swimming in the refreshing Castellano river or basking in the sun on the wide sandy beaches of Grottammare, San Benedetto, and Martinsicuro along the Adriatic coast, there is something for everyone.

When in Ascoli Piceno, make sure to visit the must-see sights. Immerse yourself in the grandeur of Piazza Arringo, marvel at the beauty of the Cathedral and Baptistry, explore the Town Hall with its impressive gallery of paintings, delve into history at the Civic Archeological Museum and the Diocesan Museum, and soak in the charm of Piazza del Popolo with its iconic Captain’s Palace. Don't miss the opportunity to explore the Church of San Francesco and its enchanting cloisters and indulge in a delightful experience at Caffè Meletti.

Venturing towards the northwest of the city will reward you with the medieval streets, towering structures, and Romanesque churches that create a captivating ambiance. Explore the city gates, marvel at the Solestà Roman bridge, and immerse yourself in history at the new ceramics museum. Other noteworthy attractions include the majestic Malatesta fortress with the Cecco bridge, the Palazzo Malaspina, the churches of San Gregorio and San Vittore, and the fascinating ruins of the Roman walls.

Ascoli and its surroundings offer a wealth of cultural, natural, and historical treasures to discover. Immerse yourself in the beauty and charm of this enchanting destination.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 60 90 350 500 20 yes

