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Fabienne Chamerois
3 rue truc


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Price per night:

price from €35





Description for B&B:

This is a charming house situated in a peaceful hamlet surrounded by vast fields. It offers convenient access to a nearby pathway, perfect for leisurely strolls across the plains. The house accommodates two people comfortably, with the option to provide an additional bed for a third person if needed. You will find ample storage space in the cupboard and enjoy the convenience of a private bathroom equipped with a washbasin and toilet facilities.

Description for Gite

Guests will have the opportunity to share the authentic bathroom equipped with a bath and shower, a spacious kitchen, and a magnificent veranda that offers breathtaking views of the surrounding natural beauty. Whether you seek relaxation in the tranquility of the surroundings, the melodies of birdsong, or exploring nature through invigorating walks, this place has it all. Additionally, it's conveniently located within a one-hour drive to Champagne-Ardenne, Picardy, and Belgium, allowing for easy exploration of these delightful destinations.


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Take the train from Rethel station, which will take approximately 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can catch the train from Reims station, which will take around 40 minutes.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 35 35 230 230 5




  • Louvre Museum: Located just a short distance away, the Louvre Museum is one of the world's largest and most famous museums. It houses a vast collection of art and historical artifacts, including the renowned Mona Lisa painting.
  • Notre-Dame Cathedral: Situated on the Île de la Cité, Notre-Dame Cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Visitors can admire its stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and climb to the top for a panoramic view of Paris.
  • Palais Royal: This historic palace and garden complex is known for its elegant architecture, beautiful gardens, and iconic black-and-white striped columns. It is a great place to relax, stroll, and take in the atmosphere.
  • Tuileries Garden: Adjacent to the Louvre Museum, the Tuileries Garden offers a serene escape from the bustling city. Visitors can enjoy its manicured lawns, beautiful fountains, and sculptures while taking a leisurely walk.
  • Place Vendôme: A square known for its luxurious boutiques and high-end hotels, Place Vendôme is also famous for its iconic Vendôme Column. This historic monument commemorates the victories of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  • Les Halles: Once Paris' central fresh food market, Les Halles has transformed into a modern shopping and entertainment complex. It offers a variety of shops, restaurants, and cinemas, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists.
  • Centre Pompidou: A hub of modern and contemporary art, the Centre Pompidou is a unique cultural landmark with its distinctive architecture. Inside, you can explore a vast collection of contemporary art, attend exhibitions, and enjoy panoramic views of Paris from its rooftop terrace.
  • Sainte-Chapelle: Located within the Palais de Justice complex, Sainte-Chapelle is a stunning medieval chapel renowned for its breathtaking stained glass windows. The vibrant colors and intricate designs make it a must-visit for art and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Pont Neuf: Despite its name meaning "New Bridge," Pont Neuf is actually the oldest standing bridge across the Seine River. It offers fantastic views of the river, nearby islands, and the cityscape. 10. Opéra Garnier: The Opéra Garnier is a grand opera house known for its opulent architecture and ornate interiors. Visitors can take guided tours to explore its lavish halls, including the magnificent auditorium adorned with chandeliers and gold accents. Please note that availability and opening hours of these attractions may vary, so it is always best to check their respective websites for the most up-to-date information.

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