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Sigot Christine
730 Route Des Bois Dessous
Chatillon Sur Cluses


4 reviews

Price per night:

price from €58






Description for B&B:

Christine and François extend a warm invitation to visit their charming historic Savoyard farmhouse nestled in the breathtaking French Alps. Situated between the picturesque towns of Samoëns and Taninges, this idyllic location is conveniently close to the renowned Grand Massif and Praz-de-Lys ski resorts. Whether you're seeking thrilling mountain adventures or simply a tranquil retreat, our farmhouse offers a perfect haven. Unwind in our delightful hammocks, immerse yourself in a variety of mountain activities, and indulge in our unique and delectable cuisine that promises to be anything but ordinary. We look forward to welcoming you throughout the year.

Description for Gite

To welcome you, we offer two interconnected bedrooms named Tartarouga and Tatou. These bedrooms share a bathroom. Additionally, we have a freshly decorated room suitable for two to four individuals, featuring a cozy living room area.


Appréciations pour Hamacopic, Chatillon Sur Cluses:

A découvrir absolument.
Review by: Les Meusiens, Avr 26 2015 9:46PM
Hamac o pic est un lieu ou il fait bon vivre, très chaleureux. La propriétaire est super sympa et vous met tout de suite à l'aise, ambiance très conviviale. Avons mangé une excellente fondue, tous les produits sont de qualité. Je vous conseille vivement ce gite sans aucune hésitation.
A découvrir absolument
Review by: Cathy, Auxence, Alicia et Gégé, Fev 19 2012 8:43AM
Beauté du paysage, confort du gite, chaleur et sourire de la propriétaire ..... tout est là quand on arrive à Hamac o pic. Les chambres sont très agréable, avec de grands balcons, sans oublier bien sur, les hamacs ... On pourrait presque se mettre à deux à l'interieur tellement ils sont grands. Meme en hiver, nous pouvons en profiter. Réservez, vous ne serez pas déçu. nous, on a adoré !!!
A découvrir
Review by: Cathy, Gégé, Alicia et Auxence, Fev 18 2012 8:53AM
Si vous cherchez un lieu exceptionnel en haute savoie .... c'est hamac o pic qu'il faut choisir. Le gite est magnifique au pied des montagnes. Les chambres confortables et chaleureuses. Vous etes chez vous ..... comme le dit si bien christine, la propriétaire, et c'est vrai ....!!! un gite à découvrir, vous ne serez pas déçu.
A découvrir
Review by: Cathy, Gégé, Alicia et Auxence, Fev 18 2012 8:52AM
Si vous cherchez un lieu exceptionnel en haute savoie .... c'est hamac o pic qu'il faut choisir. Le gite est magnifique au pied des montagnes. Les chambres confortables et chaleureuses. Vous etes chez vous ..... comme le dit si bien christine, la propriétaire, et c'est vrai ....!!! un gite à découvrir, vous ne serez pas déçu.

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If you are traveling from Chatillon sur Cluses on D902, you will reach a point before the bridge of Avenue Thézières (right before Taninges). At this point, please take a left turn towards "route des bois".
Keep going straight for about 3 minutes. Once you see the sign for "bois dessous", take a right turn.
The house you are looking for will be just 2 minutes ahead on your right.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 58 68 20 oui




  • Gorges du Bronze - Located in Scionzier, just a short drive from Chatillon Sur Cluses, the Gorges du Bronze is a stunning natural attraction. Visitors can hike along the narrow gorge, marvel at the towering cliffs, and enjoy the beauty of the surrounding forest.
  • Lac de Flaine - Situated in the heart of the Grand Massif ski area, Lac de Flaine is a picturesque mountain lake. It offers breathtaking views of the surrounding peaks and is a popular spot for picnicking, swimming, and leisurely walks.
  • Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval Nature Reserve - This nature reserve, located near Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval, is known for its dramatic cirque, waterfalls, and stunning alpine scenery. It offers numerous hiking trails, allowing visitors to explore the diverse flora and fauna of the area.
  • Mont Blanc - As the highest peak in the Alps and Western Europe, Mont Blanc is a must-see attraction near Chatillon Sur Cluses. Visitors can take cable cars or hike to enjoy panoramic views of the surrounding glaciers and mountains.
  • Annecy - A charming city located approximately 30 kilometers from Chatillon Sur Cluses, Annecy is often referred to as the "Venice of the Alps" due to its picturesque canals and lake. The city offers a rich history, beautiful architecture, and a vibrant old town to explore.
  • Les Gorges du Pont du Diable - Translating to "The Devil's Bridge Gorges," this natural attraction near Sixt-Fer-à-Cheval is a stunning sight to behold. Visitors can walk along the narrow footpaths, cross the bridge, and admire the powerful waterfalls cascading through the narrow gorges.
  • Chamonix-Mont-Blanc - Known as the birthplace of mountaineering, Chamonix is a famous alpine town located at the foot of Mont Blanc. It offers a wide range of outdoor activities, including skiing, hiking, and climbing, as well as a vibrant town center with shops, restaurants, and museums.
  • Les Gets - A charming alpine village located in the Portes du Soleil ski area, Les Gets is a popular destination for both winter and summer activities. Visitors can enjoy skiing, mountain biking, hiking, and explore the village's traditional Savoyard architecture and local cuisine.
  • Aiguille du Midi - Situated in Chamonix, Aiguille du Midi is a peak that offers breathtaking panoramic views of the French, Swiss, and Italian Alps. Visitors can reach the summit via cable car and enjoy the stunning vistas, visit the observation deck, or even try the famous "Step into the Void" glass box. 10. Yvoire - A medieval village located on the shores of Lake Geneva, Yvoire is renowned for its well-preserved architecture and charming atmosphere. Visitors can wander through the narrow streets, admire the flower-filled gardens, and explore the village's historical sites, including the 14th-century castle and the Jardin des Cinq Sens (Garden of Five Senses).

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