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Contact Details:


Amici Mila
Via Carlina, 3 S.romualdo
S.romualdo Ravenna Italia


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Price per night:

price from €50


0039 545 64214


0039 338 9256012


Description for B&B:

BB Mila offers three rooms for guests, including single, double, and a third option equipped with air conditioning and a television. Additionally, there are two bathrooms available, complete with a hairdryer and toiletries. Guests are welcome to use the kitchen and dining room facilities. The property also boasts a spacious park garden spanning 1500 square meters, perfect for relaxation and sunbathing. Furthermore, there is a charming gazebo where guests can enjoy breakfast featuring delicious local products.

Description for Gite

Discover the charm and allure of Italy's most iconic cities during your stay in this picturesque retreat. Immerse yourself in the romantic atmosphere of Venice, the artistic brilliance of Florence, the cultural richness of Bologna, the historical marvels of Ferrara, the architectural wonders of Padua, and the coastal beauty of Rimini and San Marino. Embark on a journey through these enchanting destinations as you indulge in the vibrant culture, breathtaking sights, and delectable cuisine that Italy is renowned for. Unforgettable experiences await you in this truly remarkable itinerary.


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To reach the airport of Bologna, Forlė, Rimini by car, follow these directions: Take the Bologna-Ravenna route and head towards Venice. At the junction, turn left towards S.Alberto. Continue for 5 km on Carlina road n.3.



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Notes: local products


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