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Charlotte Duriez
570 Route de Carquefou


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Price per night:

price from €108




Description for B&B:

Experience the perfect blend of privacy and comfort in our prestigious guest home, designed with contemporary elegance. Nestled in a sprawling park spanning over 4000m2, our property is just a few minutes away from Nantes, offering a peaceful retreat by the tranquil edges of Erdre.

Indulge in ultimate relaxation with our two swimming pools - one indoor and one outdoor - and a soothing balneotherapy experience, available to you all year round. "Les Arbres Rouges" boasts a refined interior decor, featuring four luxurious rooms, including two with terraces. Additional amenities include multiple cozy living spaces, a charming fireplace, a well-stocked bar, and a private, inviting dining room.


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Take the A11 freeway heading towards Nantes. After approximately 5 minutes, take Exit N ° 23 for Carquefou. From there, continue towards Sucé-Sur-Erdre.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
5 108 145 oui


Swimming Pool
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  • Château de Sucé-sur-Erdre: Located in the heart of Sucé-sur-Erdre, this medieval castle dates back to the 13th century. The well-preserved fortification offers guided tours, exhibitions, and stunning views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Parc de la Beaujoire: Situated in Nantes, a short drive from Sucé-sur-Erdre, this expansive park is home to the Stade de la Beaujoire (Nantes Football Stadium) and the Parc des Expositions (Exhibition Park). It features beautiful gardens, playgrounds, walking paths, and hosts various events and concerts throughout the year.
  • Jardin des Plantes de Nantes: Located in the city center of Nantes, this botanical garden is one of the oldest in France. It showcases a vast collection of plants, including rare and exotic species. Visitors can enjoy leisurely walks, admire the greenhouse, and learn about different ecosystems.
  • Nantes Cathedral (Cathédrale Saint-Pierre et Saint-Paul): This magnificent Gothic cathedral is a landmark in Nantes. Its stunning architecture and intricate stained glass windows make it a must-visit attraction. Take a guided tour to discover the rich history and admire the impressive organ.
  • Machines of the Isle of Nantes (Les Machines de l'Île): A unique and whimsical attraction, this artistic project brings together mechanical sculptures and fantasy elements. Explore a gigantic mechanical elephant, ride on a carousel of sea creatures, and witness the construction of incredible moving sculptures.
  • Château des Ducs de Bretagne: Located in Nantes, this historic castle was once the residence of the Dukes of Brittany. Today, it houses the Nantes History Museum, which offers a fascinating journey through the city's past. Climb the ramparts for panoramic views or explore the medieval gardens.
  • Musée d'Arts de Nantes: Nantes' fine arts museum showcases an extensive collection of artworks from the 13th century to the present day. With pieces ranging from paintings and sculptures to decorative arts and contemporary installations, this museum provides a cultural experience for art enthusiasts.
  • Île de Versailles: Situated in the heart of Nantes, this small island on the Erdre River offers a tranquil escape from the city. It features a Japanese-inspired garden with serene ponds, wooden bridges, and beautiful flora. Take a stroll, rent a boat, or enjoy a picnic in this peaceful oasis.
  • Planète Sauvage: Located in Port-Saint-Père, a short drive from Sucé-sur-Erdre, this wildlife park offers a unique safari experience. Visitors can observe various species, including lions, elephants, giraffes, and rhinos, in a natural and spacious environment. Enjoy a guided tour or drive through the park at your own pace. 10. Château de Goulaine: Positioned on the outskirts of Nantes, this Renaissance castle is surrounded by beautiful gardens and vineyards. Explore its rich history, visit the museum dedicated to the history of wine, and enjoy wine tastings of the renowned Muscadet produced on-site.