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Wilhelmina Spook
Les Hauts Adrechs


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price from €450




+32 0475796864


Description for Gite

lAmiradou is conveniently situated just 2 miles away from the charming village of Bargemon. Nestled at an altitude of 480m, this traditional village is renowned for its refreshing atmosphere, picturesque terraces surrounding the central fountain, and rich historical heritage, including beautiful fountains, chapels, and ancient walls. Moreover, its exceptional location between the stunning coastal town of St.Maxime and the majestic Verdon mountain range, makes it an absolute paradise for nature enthusiasts!


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extra bed
Notes: for 4 persons


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Gorges du Verdon: Located about an hour's drive from Les Hauts Adrechs, the Gorges du Verdon is a stunning river canyon often referred to as the "Grand Canyon of Europe." Visitors can enjoy hiking, kayaking, and boating, or simply take in the breathtaking views.
  • Lac de Sainte-Croix: Situated within the Verdon Natural Regional Park, Lac de Sainte-Croix is a picturesque lake perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. The turquoise waters and surrounding countryside make it a popular spot for outdoor activities and relaxation.
  • Bargemon Village: Just a short distance from Les Hauts Adrechs, Bargemon is a charming medieval village known for its narrow streets, ancient buildings, and beautiful views. Visitors can explore the village's historic sites, including the 13th-century castle ruins and the Church of Saint-Étienne.
  • Château de Bargème: Located near Bargemon, the Château de Bargème is a well-preserved medieval fortress perched on a hilltop. Visitors can admire its impressive architecture, panoramic views, and learn about the castle's rich history.
  • Thoronet Abbey: Situated about 20 kilometers from Les Hauts Adrechs, Thoronet Abbey is a remarkable Cistercian monastery dating back to the 12th century. The abbey is renowned for its simple yet elegant architecture and tranquil surroundings, making it a popular attraction for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Aups: A charming Provençal town, Aups is known for its vibrant weekly market where visitors can find local produce, crafts, and truffles. The town also offers historical sites like the Clock Tower and the Church of Saint-Pancrace.
  • Château de Berne: Located in Lorgues, a short drive from Les Hauts Adrechs, Château de Berne is a magnificent wine estate that offers guided tours, wine tastings, and stunning vineyard views. Visitors can learn about winemaking processes and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.
  • Moustiers-Sainte-Marie: Situated approximately 40 kilometers away, Moustiers-Sainte-Marie is a charming village nestled beneath cliffs and famous for its ceramics. Visitors can explore the narrow streets, visit the Notre-Dame de Beauvoir chapel, and admire the stunning views over the village.
  • Saint-Tropez: A renowned coastal town, Saint-Tropez offers a glamorous atmosphere, beautiful beaches, and a vibrant nightlife. Visitors can stroll along the picturesque harbor, explore the old town's winding streets, and visit iconic spots like the Citadel and the Place des Lices. 10. Cannes: Located around an hour's drive from Les Hauts Adrechs, Cannes is famous for its annual film festival and luxurious lifestyle. Visitors can enjoy the sandy beaches, shop along the Promenade de la Croisette, and explore the charming Old Town known as Le Suquet.

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