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Miguel Cabit
Quartier Marie-noire
Riviere Pilote


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Price per night:

price from €42




+596 0696 82 20 56

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Description for Gite

This charming apartment, known as F2, offers easy access to the beautiful garden. It features a cozy bedroom with a comfortable double bed, a combined living and kitchen area, a modern bathroom, and a lovely terrace with garden furniture for relaxation. The apartment provides essential amenities such as hot water, a barbecue, a possibility for a cot, a fan, and a mosquito net. Guests can enjoy the lush garden and enclosed grounds, as well as access to a shared washing machine (one wash per week) and a TV. Additionally, an extra bed can be provided upon request. Please note that the low season for this apartment is during July and August.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
4 42.85 45.71 300 320
Apartment 3 60 94.14 553
Holiday Home 4 42.85 45.71 300 320


Disabled Access
Credit cards accepted


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  • Les Anses d'Arlet: This charming village is known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters. Visitors can relax on the sandy shores, go snorkeling to explore the vibrant marine life, or enjoy fresh seafood at the local restaurants.
  • Mount Pelée: Situated in the northern part of Martinique, Mount Pelée is an active volcano and a popular hiking destination. Brave adventurers can trek to the summit and witness breathtaking panoramic views of the island.
  • Trois-Rivières Distillery: Known for its production of premium rum, the Trois-Rivières Distillery offers guided tours where visitors can learn about the rum-making process and sample a variety of high-quality rums.
  • Sainte-Anne Beach: Located on the southeastern coast of Martinique, Sainte-Anne Beach is renowned for its pristine white sand and turquoise waters. It is an ideal spot for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying water sports.
  • Jardin de Balata: Situated near Fort-de-France, the Jardin de Balata is a stunning botanical garden that showcases a vast collection of tropical plants, flowers, and trees. Visitors can explore the lush surroundings and marvel at the vibrant colors.
  • Saint-Pierre: Once known as the "Paris of the Caribbean," Saint-Pierre was devastated by the eruption of Mount Pelée in 1902. Today, it offers a glimpse into its rich history through its ruins, including the remains of theaters, mansions, and a prison.
  • Les Salines Beach: Located on the southern coast of Martinique, Les Salines Beach is one of the most picturesque beaches on the island. Its powdery white sand, swaying palm trees, and calm waters make it an idyllic spot for relaxation and beach activities.
  • La Savane Park: Situated in Fort-de-France, La Savane Park is a beautiful urban park offering a peaceful retreat from the city's hustle and bustle. It features lush green spaces, statues, and a picturesque waterfront promenade. 10. La Pagerie Museum: This museum is located in Trois-Îlets and was once the birthplace of Empress Josephine, the wife of Napoleon Bonaparte. It showcases artifacts and exhibits related to her life, providing insights into the island's colonial history.