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Béatrice Bernard
Lieudit "la Bellière" 118 Route De Villefranche


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04 74 00 08 80


06 81 84 05 22


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1 198


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  • Parc des Oiseaux (Bird Park) - Located in Villars-les-Dombes, Parc des Oiseaux is a renowned ornithological park that houses over 3,000 birds from around the world. Visitors can explore various aviaries, witness impressive bird shows, and learn about different species through educational exhibits.
  • Pérouges - A medieval walled town, Pérouges is a charming village located approximately 20 kilometers from Villars-les-Dombes. With its cobblestone streets, well-preserved buildings, and picturesque squares, Pérouges offers a glimpse into the past. Explore the narrow alleys, visit the Maison des Princes, and savor traditional dishes in one of the local restaurants.
  • Monastère Royal de Brou (Royal Monastery of Brou) - Situated in Bourg-en-Bresse, about 25 kilometers from Villars-les-Dombes, the Monastère Royal de Brou is a magnificent example of Gothic and Renaissance architecture. This stunning complex includes a church, cloister, and a museum. Visitors can admire the ornate tombs, beautiful stained glass windows, and intricate sculptures.
  • Parc de la Tête d'Or (Park of the Golden Head) - Located in Lyon, approximately 45 kilometers from Villars-les-Dombes, Parc de la Tête d'Or is one of the largest urban parks in France. Visitors can enjoy scenic walks, rent a boat on the lake, visit the zoo, or explore the botanical garden. The park also features playgrounds, rose gardens, and various sports facilities.
  • Musée des Confluences (Museum of Confluences) - Situated in Lyon, the Musée des Confluences is a striking museum dedicated to natural history, anthropology, and civilizations. The museum's unique architecture, combining modern and contemporary design elements, is as impressive as the exhibits inside. Visitors can explore the vast collection of artifacts, interactive displays, and temporary exhibitions.
  • Château de Fléchères (Fléchères Castle) - Located in Fareins, around 30 kilometers from Villars-les-Dombes, the Château de Fléchères is a beautiful 17th-century castle surrounded by extensive gardens. Visitors can tour the elegant interior, including the grand staircase, period furniture, and art collections. The tranquil gardens offer a peaceful retreat with fountains, statues, and a maze.
  • Abbaye d'Ambronay (Ambronay Abbey) - Situated in Ambronay, approximately 30 kilometers from Villars-les-Dombes, the Abbaye d'Ambronay is a historic abbey known for its Romanesque architecture and rich cultural heritage. Visitors can explore the abbey's church, cloister, and museum. The venue also hosts various concerts and cultural events throughout the year. These are just a few of the many tourist attractions near Lieudit "la Bellière" in Villars-lès-Dombes, offering a diverse range of experiences from natural beauty to historical and cultural landmarks.

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