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Contact Details:


Alain Cochot
79 Route des Lignières
Petit-Bornand les Glières


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Price per night:

price from €55






Description for B&B:

Welcome to our accommodation, where we offer you the following amenities:
- A spacious and exclusive car park and garden for your convenience.
- A separate and private entrance that leads directly to your own living area.
- A cozy mezzanine living room complete with a television.
- Three double-bed bedrooms for your comfort.
- A bathroom with a bathtub and toilets, accessible to all three bedrooms.
- An additional bathroom with a shower, also available for all three bedrooms.
- Separate toilet facilities.
- Enjoy a delightful breakfast in our communal living room, which features a fireplace, or on the terrace, where you can bask in the morning sun, depending on the season.
We eagerly await your visit! Sincerely, Danielle and Alain Cochot.


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Access to "Chalet L'Outo":

- If traveling by road, take the A40 exit "Bonneville" and follow the directions towards "Le Grand-Bornand". Alternatively, take the A41 exit "Annecy nord", then follow the signs to "Thônes", "St Jean de Sixt", and continue towards "Bonneville".
- If arriving by plane, you can fly into Geneva Airport in Switzerland.
- If traveling by train, purchase tickets to either "Annecy" or "Bonneville" and then take a taxi or follow the road instructions mentioned above.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 55 60 365 365 oui




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  • Annecy - Situated approximately 30 minutes away, Annecy is a charming town known as the "Venice of the Alps." It features a picturesque old town with canals, a beautiful lake, and stunning mountain views. Visitors can enjoy boat rides, explore the historic streets, visit the Château d'Annecy, and indulge in local cuisine.
  • Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard - Overlooking Lake Annecy, the Château de Menthon-Saint-Bernard is a medieval castle with a rich history. Visitors can explore its well-preserved rooms, admire the panoramic views of the lake and mountains, and learn about the castle's connection to the local legends.
  • Plateau des Glières - Just a short drive away, the Plateau des Glières is a high-altitude plateau famous for its role in the French Resistance during World War II. It offers beautiful hiking trails, cross-country skiing in winter, and the Monument to the Resistance commemorating the heroism of the resistance fighters.
  • La Clusaz - A popular ski resort town located nearby, La Clusaz attracts visitors with its picturesque alpine scenery and excellent skiing opportunities. In addition to winter sports, the town offers hiking, mountain biking, and a lively atmosphere with shops, restaurants, and spas.
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  • Le Semnoz - Offering panoramic views of the surrounding mountains, Le Semnoz is a popular destination for outdoor activities. Visitors can enjoy hiking, mountain biking, paragliding, and in winter, skiing and snowshoeing.
  • Gorges du Pont du Diable - Located in Thônes, the Gorges du Pont du Diable (Devil's Bridge Gorge) is a geological marvel featuring impressive rock formations and a suspended footbridge. Visitors can take a leisurely walk along the gorge, admire the natural beauty, and learn about its history. 10. Geneva, Switzerland - Situated approximately an hour away, Geneva is a cosmopolitan city known for its international diplomacy and stunning lakeside setting. Visitors can explore its historic old town, visit iconic landmarks like Jet d'Eau and St. Pierre Cathedral, and enjoy the city's cultural attractions, shopping, and dining experiences.

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