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Marion Wagner
51 Rue Du Limas


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Price per night:

price from €200




Description for B&B:

Located just a short distance from the prestigious Popes Palace (le Palais des Papes), Le Limas bed and breakfast warmly welcomes you to enjoy a peaceful and comfortable stay in the historic center of Avignon. This 18th century Town House (hôtel particulier) has undergone a complete renovation and now offers four air-conditioned rooms, each equipped with en suite bathrooms or shower rooms and toilets.

For a small fee, you have the option to utilize the secure parking space at the Popes Palace, allowing you to fully relax while exploring the city and immersing yourself in its beauty.

At the pinnacle of the house, a terrace awaits, offering breathtaking views of the Palace that will undoubtedly enhance your stay and create memories to cherish forever.


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Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 200 200 oui
(3 pers.)
1 210 250 oui


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  • Palais des Papes: Located in the city center, the Palais des Papes is a magnificent fortress and palace that served as the residence of the Popes in the 14th century. It is now a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers stunning views of Avignon.
  • Pont d'Avignon (Pont Saint-Bénézet): This famous bridge, also a UNESCO World Heritage site, spans the Rhône River. Originally built in the 12th century, only four of its arches remain today. The bridge inspired the popular song "Sur le Pont d'Avignon."
  • Rocher des Doms: A beautiful park situated on a rocky hill, Rocher des Doms overlooks the Rhône River and offers panoramic views of Avignon. The park is a great spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic while enjoying the city's skyline.
  • Avignon Cathedral (Cathédrale Notre-Dame des Doms d'Avignon): This Romanesque cathedral is adjacent to the Palais des Papes. It houses beautiful frescoes, stunning stained glass windows, and a Holy Bicephalous statue, making it a significant religious and historical site.
  • Musée du Petit Palais: Located within a stunning medieval palace, the Musée du Petit Palais displays an impressive collection of religious artworks from the Middle Ages to the Renaissance. Visitors can admire masterpieces by artists such as Botticelli, Carpaccio, and Van Dyck.
  • Musée Calvet: Situated in a beautiful 18th-century mansion, the Musée Calvet showcases a diverse range of art collections, including paintings, sculptures, and decorative arts. Its exhibits span from ancient times to the 20th century, offering a comprehensive cultural experience.
  • Les Halles d'Avignon: A bustling covered market, Les Halles d'Avignon is a paradise for food lovers. Here, you can find fresh produce, local delicacies, cheeses, meats, and other regional specialties. It's a great place to immerse yourself in the local gastronomy.
  • Chartreuse du Val de Bénédiction: Located just outside Avignon, this former Carthusian monastery is surrounded by peaceful gardens and offers a tranquil escape from the city. Visitors can explore the cloister, chapel, and gardens while learning about the history of the site.
  • Collection Lambert: Housed in a 18th-century mansion, Collection Lambert is a contemporary art museum that exhibits works by renowned artists such as Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, and Cy Twombly. The museum also hosts temporary exhibitions and installations. 10. Parc des Expositions: If you're interested in events, exhibitions, or trade shows, the Parc des Expositions is Avignon's main venue. It hosts various cultural and commercial events throughout the year, including art fairs, concerts, and conventions. These attractions provide a diverse range of cultural, historical, and natural experiences for visitors to enjoy while staying at 51 Rue Du Limas in Avignon, France.

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