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Contact Details:


Laura Riccetti
Via Benedetto Brin 26
Vaste Di Poggiardo, Lecce


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Price per night:

price from €77


+39 064746831


+39 3271407935

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Description for B&B:

Experience the ultimate comfort of a home combined with the luxury of a boutique hotel, and the freedom of a bed and breakfast at Guest House La Tana del Riccio. Located in the mesmerizing region of Salento, this BB "boutique" is the perfect holiday home for couples, small groups of friends, and anyone seeking a charming and welcoming atmosphere. With 4 unique and independent suites, accommodating a maximum of 10 guests, this historic residence in Vaste di Poggiardo offers a hidden gem within a picturesque fifteenth-century village. Just a short drive away, you will find the crystal-clear waters of Castro, Porto Miggiano, and Santa Cesarea Terme. Explore the captivating towns of Lecce, Otranto, Gallipoli, and s. Maria di Leuca, all within half an hour's reach. The architecture of the house showcases traditional Salento features, including star and barrel vaults, while a stunning skylight brings the sky into the heart of the home. Enjoy the small garden, terraces, and open-air living rooms with a BBQ. Services provided include breakfast, Wi-Fi, daily cleaning, and a weekly change of linen and towels. Each suite is equipped with beach towels, a cooler, and a beach bag. A minimum stay of 3 nights is required, and the guest house is gay-friendly. In addition, take advantage of exclusive discounts and preferred services at selected local restaurants and beach rentals, arranged specifically for guests of La Tana del Riccio. For a unique experience, a 9-seater VW T2 is available for Happy Hour Tours in the area. Inside each suite, you will find a "Memo" with all the essential information and a copy of the "Hedgehog Guide," featuring the best restaurants and beach resorts in the vicinity. Discover three reasons why you'll fall in love with this extraordinary place: the four distinct suites, each offering privacy and independence; the warm ambiance and decor inspired by Salento; and the close proximity of the charming old town of Vaste and the stunning sea, just steps away.


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Nearest airport: Brindisi Airport (served by Alitalia, RyanAir, and other airlines). Rent a car at the airport (approximately 1 hour drive). The GPS coordinates are 40° 02' 52.7496" - 40.047986 and 18° 23' 11.9796" - 18.386661. To reach our destination, follow these driving directions from Brindisi Airport:
1. Follow the signs for Lecce and merge onto SS16.
2. Continue straight on this road.
3. Take the exit labeled "Tangenziale Ovest" towards Gallipoli/Galatina, then exit at 11B-Maglie towards S.M.Leuca.
4. Get back on SS16 and drive for about 20 km until you see a sign for Maglie.
5. When the guardrail in the middle of the road ends, stay on the right as the exit for Poggiardo, Castro, and "S.Cesarea T" will be right after an underpass, which may only become visible at the very last moment.
6. Continue driving onto SS275, following the directions towards "Poggiardo /S. Cesarea T."
7. At a T intersection with a traffic light and facing a red house on the left, turn left. This is Vaste.
8. At the first traffic light, turn right and after 200 m, you will reach the main square.
9. Turn left, with the church on your right, then turn right at the end and find a parking spot.
10. Walk to the right, into a small square, and ring the bell at #26. You have arrived at your destination!



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 77 121
(3 pers.)
1 110 150

