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Marie Hélène Boyer
Metairie Neuve Le Sol
Laure Minervois


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50




Description for B&B:

This fully self-contained bedroom is tastefully furnished, offering captivating views of picturesque vineyards and serene nature. It features a comfortable 140-sized bed, a refreshing shower, and a separate toilet for your convenience. Additionally, you can enjoy the entertainment provided by the color TV and make use of the refrigerator and microwave. To start your day off right, a delicious breakfast will be personally served to you by the owner.


Appréciations pour Metairie Neuve, Laure Minervois:

Séjour éclair
Review by: Nathalie et Didier, Avr 26 2010 3:40PM
Un accueil parfait, un lieu vraiment magnifique calme beau. Une prestation plus que parfaite pour le prix et en plus la gentillesse.
Review by: GATTEAUX Edouard, Fev 4 2010 6:28PM
Le studio spacieux et décoré avec goût, l'accueil chaleureux de Mme et M. BOYER font de cet hébergement un endroit idéal pour séjourner au calme en pleine campagne.

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To reach Carcassonne Villalier from Villegly, follow these steps:

1. After passing through Villegly, travel for 3 kilometers until you reach the intersection with the direction sign for Laure Puicheric D 111.
2. Take a right at this intersection and continue driving for 800 meters.
3. At the next junction, make a right turn and proceed to cross Prat Majou.
4. Keep going for another 2.5 kilometers until you reach La Metairie Neuve.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 60 310 350 10 oui


Animals Allowed


  • Château de Lastours: Located in the village of Lastours, this medieval castle offers stunning panoramic views of the surrounding countryside. Explore the ancient ruins, including the four towers and the remains of the fortress walls.
  • Canal du Midi: A UNESCO World Heritage site, this historic canal is perfect for leisurely walks or bike rides. Enjoy the peaceful atmosphere and admire the picturesque landscapes as you stroll along the waterway.
  • Carcassonne: Just a short drive away, the fortified city of Carcassonne is a must-visit attraction. Walk through its well-preserved medieval walls, discover the narrow streets, and marvel at the grandeur of the Carcassonne Castle.
  • Abbaye de Caunes-Minervois: Situated in the charming village of Caunes-Minervois, this abbey is renowned for its beautiful Romanesque architecture. Take a guided tour to learn about its fascinating history and admire the stunning stained glass windows.
  • Lac de la Cavayère: Located near Carcassonne, this artificial lake is a popular recreational spot. Enjoy swimming, sunbathing, or rent a paddleboat to explore the tranquil waters. The lake also offers hiking trails and picnic areas.
  • Les Gorges de Minerve: Immerse yourself in nature at this picturesque gorge, nestled in the heart of the Minervois region. Explore the stunning rock formations, walk across the ancient bridge, and discover the charming village of Minerve nearby.
  • Narbonne: Approximately 35 km from Laure Minervois, Narbonne is a city rich in history and culture. Visit the impressive Narbonne Cathedral, stroll through the Les Halles food market, and explore the Roman Horreum archaeological site.
  • Domaine de l'Oulivie: Wine enthusiasts will appreciate a visit to this vineyard and olive oil producer. Take a tour of the estate, learn about the wine-making process, and indulge in a tasting of their delicious wines and olive oils.
  • Lagrasse: This medieval village, located on the banks of the Orbieu River, is known for its well-preserved architecture and charm. Visit the beautiful Abbey of Sainte-Marie de Lagrasse and explore the quaint streets lined with artisan shops and cafés. 10. Fontfroide Abbey: Situated in a peaceful valley near Narbonne, this Cistercian abbey is a true architectural gem. Admire the serene cloisters, visit the medieval gardens, and learn about the abbey's fascinating history through interactive exhibits. These tourist attractions near Metairie Neuve Le Sol provide a mix of history, natural beauty, and cultural experiences, making your stay in the region truly memorable.