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Michel Enouf
Manoir De La Foulerie


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €367




Description for B&B:

Experience the enchantment of our 16th century manor, nestled within a serene and expansive park, offering ample opportunities for various recreational pursuits. Our meticulously adorned guestrooms provide modern amenities including television and Wifi internet access. Start your day with a delightful breakfast in the elegant dining room of the manor, overlooking a scenic and idyllic rural landscape.

Description for Gite

Experience the enchantment of our 16th century manor, nestled in a tranquil setting, complete with a sprawling park, perfect for indulging in various recreational activities.

Our guesthouse provides 20 beds distributed among 5 uniquely designed rooms. Choose from a room accommodating 5 beds, three rooms accommodating 4 beds each, and one room with 3 beds.

Additionally, our spacious dining room can comfortably accommodate up to 40 guests, ensuring a delightful culinary experience for all.


Appréciations pour Manoir De La Foulerie, Ancteville:

Camping caristes; un site merveilleux et un accueil chaleureux
Review by: DUGRE Jean Marie, Avr 1 2022 9:20PM
Un arrêt en camping car que nous n'oublierons pas, calme, site magnifique, accueil chaleureux , que du bonheur pour ceux qui recherchent un endroit paisible ou l'on se sent bien . Nous y reviendrons prochainement je l'espère , si possible hors crise sanitaire ça sera encore mieux ...
Emplacement de camping dans un parc d'une beauté et d'un calme
Review by: René et Sonja Van Brabant, Aou 20 2010 1:09PM
Nous avons passé 5 jours formidable,le patron et son épouse sont d'une gentillesse incroyable et vous prépare le petit déjeuné dans un cadre remarquable et romantique(avec feu ouvert) sans oublier le petit restaurant ou la tenancière vous prépare des petits plats régionaux d'une saveur exquise.

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To access the destination, take a train from Paris. If departing from Saint Lazare Station, take the train heading towards Cherbourg. At Lison, transfer trains to continue towards Saint-Lô and Coutances. The journey will take approximately 3 and a half hours. If departing from Montparnasse Station, take the train heading towards Granville. The journey will take approximately 3 hours.

If arriving in Coutances from the south by car, follow the signs for "toutes directions" and proceed towards Lessay, Valognes, and Cherbourg.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 367 367 560 20 oui
Apartment 1 150 700 non
Holiday Home 1 500 non


Swimming Pool
Credit cards accepted


  • Mont Saint-Michel: Located approximately 25 kilometers away from Manoir De La Foulerie, Mont Saint-Michel is a breathtaking medieval abbey situated on a rocky island. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of France's most iconic landmarks.
  • Saint-Malo: Situated about 60 kilometers from Manoir De La Foulerie, Saint-Malo is a charming walled city known for its rich history and stunning beaches. Explore the old town, walk along the ramparts, and visit the Grand Aquarium for a delightful day trip.
  • Bayeux Tapestry: Located around 100 kilometers away, the Bayeux Tapestry is an impressive embroidered cloth depicting the events leading up to the Norman conquest of England. It is housed in the Bayeux Museum and offers a unique glimpse into medieval history.
  • D-Day Landing Beaches: The D-Day Landing Beaches, including Omaha Beach, Utah Beach, and Juno Beach, are approximately 120 kilometers away. These historic sites played a crucial role in the Allied invasion of Normandy during World War II, and visiting them provides a poignant reminder of the sacrifices made.
  • Cherbourg: Situated around 80 kilometers from Manoir De La Foulerie, Cherbourg is a vibrant port city with a rich maritime history. Explore the Cité de la Mer, an impressive marine museum, visit the Cherbourg Arsenal, or simply enjoy the picturesque harbor and waterfront.
  • Granville: Located approximately 40 kilometers away, Granville is a charming coastal town known for its beautiful beaches, coastal walks, and historic sites. Visit the Christian Dior Museum, stroll through the old town, or enjoy the panoramic views from the top of the city walls.
  • Coutances Cathedral: Situated around 30 kilometers from Manoir De La Foulerie, Coutances Cathedral is a stunning Gothic cathedral renowned for its architectural beauty and impressive stained glass windows. Take a guided tour to learn about its history and admire the intricate details.
  • Avranches: Located approximately 45 kilometers away, Avranches offers breathtaking views of the Bay of Mont Saint-Michel. Visit the Jardin des Plantes, a beautiful botanical garden, and explore the Scriptorial d'Avranches, a museum dedicated to the history of manuscripts.
  • Villedieu-les-Poêles: Situated around 25 kilometers from Manoir De La Foulerie, Villedieu-les-Poêles is a charming town famous for its traditional copper crafts. Visit the Bell Foundry Museum to learn about the art of bell making and explore the picturesque streets lined with artisan workshops. 10. Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial: Located approximately 130 kilometers away, this memorial site honors the American soldiers who lost their lives during the D-Day invasion. The beautifully maintained cemetery offers a serene and reflective atmosphere, providing a fitting tribute to the fallen soldiers.