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Contact Details:


Warland Josiane
Baugnez - Rte du Monument, 8
B - 4960


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Price per night:

price from €75


+32 80 33 93 44


+32 497 72 53 35

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Description for B&B:

Located between the charming towns of Malmedy and Waimes, our tranquil and rejuvenating country house offers the perfect retreat for a peaceful getaway. With a beautiful garden, a playground for children, and a bowling green, there are plenty of activities to keep everyone entertained. Whether you prefer leisurely walks, exhilarating cross-country skiing, or adventurous mountain biking, there are endless opportunities to explore the stunning surroundings. Indulge in a delicious breakfast served in our dining room, where you can enjoy breathtaking views of the Hautes Fagnes. For additional relaxation, we offer a luxurious relaxation room equipped with a whirlpool and an infrared cabin. Our rooms, studios, and apartments are fully equipped with all the necessary amenities, including a bath or shower, TV, and WC. Discover the fascinating attractions of the region, including the famous Circuit of SPA-FRANCORCHAMPS, the rejuvenating SPA-Thermes, and the cultural wonders of Malmedy, such as its museums, cathedral, and swimming pool. Don't miss the opportunity to visit the US Monument in Baugnez, or explore the picturesque lakes of Robertville, Bütgenbach, Eupen, and La Gileppe. Immerse yourself in the natural beauty of the Hautes Fagnes nature reserve, visit the enchanting Castle of Reinhardstein, or take a trip to the charming towns of Coo, Stavelot, or even venture into Luxembourg.


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Take the motorway towards Bruxelles, Liège (or Luik), Verviers, Francorchamps, and Malmedy. Once you reach Malmedy, head towards Waimes/Bütgenbach for approximately 4 kilometers until you reach Géromont and BAUGNEZ. From there, turn right onto a small street and travel for 200 meters until you reach L HORIZON *** B & B.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 75 80 420 420 30 Non
Notes: with bed linen
Holiday Home 1 160 180 960 960


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