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Eric Bonny
1163 Le Village


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Price per night:

price from €55


03 21 10 48 08


Description for B&B:

This B & B is located in a charming farmhouse, away from the owners. The farmhouse is a perfect example of the beautiful architecture found in the Boulogne area. It offers a well-equipped kitchenette for guests' convenience.

Description for Gite

We offer a charming cottage and bed & breakfast accommodation, certified with 3 ears by the renowned Lodging of France, situated in a quaint village nestled in the picturesque Boulogne countryside. Our property is conveniently located near the coast and its stunning beaches, allowing you to enjoy the best of both worlds.


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Carly is currently traveling on RN 42, which is the road connecting Boulogne and Samer. Alternatively, she can take the Isques motorway exit to reach her destination.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 55 55
Holiday Home 1 320 380




  • Nausicaá Centre National de la Mer: Located in Boulogne-sur-Mer, Nausicaá is one of the largest aquariums in Europe. It offers a fascinating journey into the world of marine life, with various exhibits, interactive displays, and a focus on conservation.
  • Old Town of Boulogne-sur-Mer: Explore the charming old town of Boulogne-sur-Mer, which is surrounded by ancient city walls. The area features cobbled streets, historic buildings, quaint shops, and lovely cafes, making it a perfect place for a leisurely stroll.
  • Musée de la Dentelle de Calais: Situated in Calais, this museum showcases the rich history and intricate craftsmanship of Calais lace. You can learn about the lace-making process, view stunning collections, and even try your hand at creating your own lace designs.
  • Les Jardins de Valloires: Located in Argoules, these stunning gardens are spread over 8 hectares and boast a magnificent abbey backdrop. With beautiful flowerbeds, serene water features, and peaceful walking paths, it's a tranquil place to relax and appreciate nature's beauty.
  • Cap Gris-Nez: This picturesque headland is situated near Audinghen and offers breathtaking views of the English Channel. You can take a leisurely hike along the coastal path, visit the lighthouse, or simply enjoy the stunning scenery and the fresh sea breeze.
  • Le Touquet-Paris-Plage: Known as a stylish seaside resort, Le Touquet-Paris-Plage is famous for its beautiful sandy beaches, elegant villas, and vibrant town center. Visitors can enjoy water sports, relax on the beach, explore the town's shops and restaurants, or even try their luck at the casino.
  • Cité Internationale de la Dentelle et de la Mode de Calais: This museum in Calais showcases the history and artistry of the lace industry. It features a collection of lace garments, interactive displays, and temporary exhibitions dedicated to fashion and design.
  • Notre-Dame de Boulogne: Discover the grandeur of Notre-Dame de Boulogne, a stunning basilica located in Boulogne-sur-Mer. This beautiful religious monument, with its intricate architecture and impressive stained glass windows, is an important pilgrimage site and offers a peaceful ambiance for visitors. These attractions offer a mix of natural beauty, cultural heritage, and historical significance, providing a diverse range of experiences for tourists near Carly, France.

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