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Lhotel Isabelle
1105 Chemin Des Rochettes


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price from €87





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Description for B&B:

As you stroll along the scenic backroads of Provence, you will encounter charming villages surrounded by lavender fields, olive groves, vineyards, truffle oaks, and forests. As you turn a corner, you will come across Mas Parenthèse, a delightful Provencal farmhouse located just 3 km from Visan. This picturesque village has a rich history waiting to be explored through its streets and alleys. Situated on 1.6 hectares of land, this peaceful oasis is adorned with trees and flowers, offering the quintessential scents and colors of Provence. The surrounding hills provide a true inspiration for leisurely walks and relaxation. Mas Parenthèse is a magical place where every aspect exudes the art of living and the simplicity of an unforgettable stay, whether with friends, family, or loved ones.


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To reach The Parenthesis, take the Montelimar south exit and continue towards Grignan and Valreas before heading towards Visan. Look out for signs indicating The Parenthesis on your right after driving for approximately 5 kilometers.



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3 87 110 30


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  • Château de Suze-la-Rousse: Located approximately 13 kilometers away, this Renaissance castle is a popular tourist attraction. It houses the University of Wine and is surrounded by beautiful gardens, offering visitors a glimpse into the region's history.
  • Vaison-la-Romaine: Situated about 15 kilometers away, Vaison-la-Romaine is an ancient Roman town known for its impressive archaeological site. Explore the well-preserved ruins, Roman theater, and the charming medieval old town filled with narrow streets and shops.
  • Dentelles de Montmirail: About 25 kilometers away, the Dentelles de Montmirail is a stunning mountain range renowned for its jagged peaks and picturesque hiking trails. Nature lovers can enjoy panoramic views and discover hidden vineyards throughout the area.
  • Château de Grignan: Located around 30 kilometers away, the Château de Grignan is a magnificent Renaissance castle that once served as the residence of Madame de Sévigné, a famous French writer. Explore the grand interiors, stroll through the gardens, and admire the panoramic views of the surrounding countryside.
  • Nyons: Situated approximately 30 kilometers away, Nyons is a charming Provençal town known for its olive groves and production of high-quality olive oil. Explore the narrow streets, visit the local market, and enjoy the peaceful atmosphere of this authentic French town.
  • Mont Ventoux: About 40 kilometers away, Mont Ventoux is a famous mountain known as the "Giant of Provence." It attracts cyclists and hikers from around the world who aim to conquer its challenging slopes. Enjoy breathtaking views from the summit and explore the diverse flora and fauna along the way.
  • Avignon: Located around 50 kilometers away, Avignon is a historic city famous for the Palais des Papes, a grand medieval palace. Visit the well-preserved ramparts, explore the charming streets of the old town, and immerse yourself in the vibrant cultural scene of this UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • Orange: Situated approximately 50 kilometers away, Orange boasts impressive Roman architecture, including the well-preserved Théâtre Antique, which hosts various performances and concerts. Explore the Roman triumphal arch and stroll through the charming squares and cafes in this lively town.
  • Pont du Gard: About 70 kilometers away, the Pont du Gard is an ancient Roman aqueduct and a UNESCO World Heritage site. Admire the architectural marvel, take a walk along the river, or even go for a swim in the clear water beneath this iconic landmark. 10. Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located around 80 kilometers away, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a natural wonder offering breathtaking views. Explore this stunning river canyon by kayak, go hiking along its trails, or relax on one of the many river beaches. Please note that distances are approximate and may vary depending on the route taken.

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