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Marie-Christine Bézine
3 Rue des Gages
Le Coudray Chartres



1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €357





Description for B&B:

Michel and Marie-Christine warmly invite you to their charming residence located in a serene residential neighborhood, just a short 5-minute drive from the bustling heart of Chartres. Their lovely house with a delightful garden offers accommodations for 1-5 guests, featuring bright, spacious, and elegantly furnished rooms. Each room is equipped with two comfortable single beds, a cozy sitting area, and a convenient desk. The bathroom and toilet facilities are easily accessible. Start your day with a delectable breakfast served on the terrace or in the beautiful garden, where you can soak in the tranquility of the surroundings. A designated parking space is available exclusively for our guests. Please note that both the room and the house are strictly non-smoking, and unfortunately, pets are not allowed.


Appréciations pour Couette et Café Crème, Le Coudray Chartres:

avis sur "couette et café crème"
Review by: thierry, Juin 22 2018 3:15PM
nous avons passé 2 excellentes nuits,calmes très bonne situation près arrêt bus pour visiter chartres
M.Christine a été au petit soin pour nous, très bon petit déj. avec produits faits maison, chambre propre, nous recommandons vivement cette chambre d'hôte

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To reach your destination, simply bypass the Chartres Le Coudray exit and continue following the signs indicating the way to the "Jules Verne school."



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Prices in €
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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Notes: Cot free
(3 pers.)
1 90 90 15 OUI




  • Chartres Cathedral: Located just a short distance from the given address, Chartres Cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Known for its stunning stained glass windows and intricate sculptures, it is a must-visit attraction for its historical and architectural significance.
  • Maison Picassiette: Situated in Chartres, Maison Picassiette is an extraordinary house completely covered in mosaics made of broken ceramics, glass, and pottery. Created by Raymond Isidore, it is a unique and whimsical art installation that showcases his creativity and attention to detail.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts: This art museum in Chartres houses a diverse collection of artworks, ranging from paintings and sculptures to decorative arts and archaeological artifacts. Visitors can explore works by renowned artists such as Picasso, Monet, and Rodin, as well as discover local artists and regional art history.
  • Le Jardin de la Magdeleine: A picturesque garden located in Chartres, Le Jardin de la Magdeleine offers a peaceful oasis for nature lovers. With its beautifully landscaped areas, colorful flower beds, and serene atmosphere, it is an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll or a picnic.
  • Château de Maintenon: Situated in Maintenon, just a short drive from Le Coudray Chartres, the Château de Maintenon is a grand historic castle. Built during the 16th century, it boasts beautiful gardens, magnificent architecture, and a rich history, including its association with Madame de Maintenon, the second wife of Louis XIV.
  • Musée Régional de l'Air: Located in Chartres, this regional air museum showcases the history and evolution of aviation. Visitors can explore a vast collection of aircraft, aviation artifacts, and interactive exhibits that provide insights into the world of flight and aeronautics.
  • Eure-et-Loir Natural Park: Offering a stunning natural landscape, Eure-et-Loir Natural Park is a perfect destination for outdoor enthusiasts. With its diverse ecosystems, hiking trails, and recreational activities such as boating and fishing, it provides a great opportunity to connect with nature and enjoy the serene surroundings.
  • Crypte Saint-Aignan: Found beneath the Chartres Cathedral, the Crypte Saint-Aignan is an underground crypt that dates back to the 4th century. It offers a glimpse into the early Christian history of Chartres and features ancient tombs, architectural remnants, and religious artifacts.
  • Parc André Gagnon: Located in Chartres, this public park provides a serene environment for relaxation and recreation. With its lush green spaces, playgrounds, and walking paths, it is an ideal place for a family outing or a peaceful escape from the city. 10. Centre International du Vitrail: Situated in Chartres, the Centre International du Vitrail is a museum dedicated to the art of stained glass. Visitors can explore various exhibits that showcase the history, techniques, and beauty of this unique art form, as well as witness live demonstrations by skilled craftsmen.

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