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6 Route des Broues, CHARDAT


1 reviews

Price per night:

price from €48




Description for B&B:

Located in the peaceful village of Chardat, Lenvers is a charming 300-year-old French manor farmhouse nestled in 5 acres of picturesque land. Situated in the beautiful Charente department of the Nouvelle Aquitaine region in South West France, this stunning property is surrounded by the serene Lacs des Hautes Charentes. With its idyllic countryside setting, Lenvers is the perfect retreat for walks, fishing, and cycling, and offers a true taste of rural French life with its charming nearby villages. Our cozy Chambres dhôtes is open year-round, ensuring a warm and inviting stay with central heating.


Appréciations pour L'ENVERS, ABZAC:

And Relax....
Review by: Sebastian Wheeler, Aou 10 2019 9:51PM
L'Enveers was recommended to me, and I booked for a night. I found the house ideal. Louise was very relaxed, easy going and really helpful. I ended up staying for three nights and wished that I could have stayed longer. The gardens are lovely and her three chickens run around freely and come up and say hello (or maybe bonjour). On the last night there was four other guests and we had a meal en famille, my French was not up to in depth conversations, but everyone pitched in and helped. Thank you so much Louise, I will be back...

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Confolens is located 8 miles northeast.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 48 60 Yes
(3 pers.)
1 75 90 Yes


Swimming Pool


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  • Abbey of Saint-Amant-de-Boixe: Situated in Saint-Amant-de-Boixe, this ancient abbey dates back to the 11th century. It is renowned for its Romanesque architecture, picturesque surroundings, and tranquil atmosphere. Visitors can admire the abbey's impressive facade and explore the peaceful interior.
  • Cognac Distilleries: Just a short drive away from Chardat, you can visit world-famous cognac distilleries in the town of Cognac. Take a guided tour to learn about the production process, see the aging cellars, and sample exquisite cognac varieties.
  • Angoulême: A vibrant city known for its rich history and beautiful architecture, Angoulême offers a variety of attractions. Explore the charming old town, visit the impressive Cathedral Saint-Pierre, and enjoy panoramic views from the ramparts surrounding the city.
  • Church of Saint-Etienne de Cressac: Located in Cressac-Saint-Genis, this Romanesque church is a hidden gem. Dating back to the 12th century, it features beautiful stone carvings and a peaceful atmosphere. Take a moment to appreciate the intricate details and quiet ambiance.
  • Oradour-sur-Glane: Although a bit further away, Oradour-sur-Glane is a significant historical site. This preserved village serves as a memorial to the atrocities committed during World War II. Visitors can explore the remains of the village as it was left after a tragic massacre in 1944.
  • Rochefort-en-Terre: A picturesque village known for its charming architecture and flower-filled streets, Rochefort-en-Terre is a delightful place to visit. Stroll through the medieval village, admire the colorful facades, and visit the stunning Château de Rochefort-en-Terre.
  • Futuroscope: Located near Poitiers, Futuroscope is a unique and futuristic theme park. Offering a range of immersive experiences, thrilling rides, and multimedia shows, it is a perfect destination for families and those seeking entertainment. These tourist attractions near Chardat provide a diverse range of experiences, from historical and cultural sites to natural beauty and modern entertainment.

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