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Clos Capitelles
Le Mas
St Privat de Champclos


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price from €399






Description for B&B:

There are two charming gites located within a sixteenth-century mas. Each gite offers two bedrooms; one bedroom features a comfortable 160-sized bed, while the other bedroom is furnished with two twin beds measuring 80. The kitchens in both gites are fully equipped with an oven, microwave, and a fridge freezer. Additionally, a washing machine is provided for your convenience. The living rooms are cozy and feature a lovely fireplace, perfect for relaxing evenings. Rest assured, heating is available to keep you warm during your stay.


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min. max. min. max.
extra bed
Holiday Home 2 399 799 non


Swimming Pool
Animals Allowed


  • Pont du Gard: Located in Vers-Pont-du-Gard, approximately 20 kilometers from Le Mas, Pont du Gard is a well-preserved Roman aqueduct bridge. It is a UNESCO World Heritage site and offers stunning views of the surrounding landscape.
  • Uzès: Situated about 14 kilometers from Le Mas, Uzès is a charming medieval town known for its well-preserved architecture and the famous Uzès Cathedral. Explore its narrow streets, visit the Place aux Herbes market, and admire the Ducal Palace.
  • Grotte de la Salamandre: Located in Méjannes-le-Clap, around 30 kilometers from Le Mas, this magnificent cave offers guided tours where visitors can marvel at the stunning stalactites and stalagmites. It is a unique natural attraction in the region.
  • Aven d'Orgnac: Situated in Orgnac-l'Aven, approximately 55 kilometers from Le Mas, Aven d'Orgnac is a remarkable limestone cave that offers guided tours. Explore the underground chambers and learn about the geological formations that have developed over thousands of years.
  • Les Gorges de l'Ardèche: Located about 45 kilometers from Le Mas, the Gorges de l'Ardèche is a breathtaking natural attraction. The river has carved a deep canyon with stunning limestone cliffs. You can hike, kayak, or drive along the winding road to enjoy the scenic beauty.
  • Nîmes: Situated approximately 40 kilometers from Le Mas, Nîmes is a historic city known for its well-preserved Roman monuments. Visit the famous Arena of Nîmes, the Maison Carrée, and the Temple of Diana. The city also offers a vibrant atmosphere with its shops, restaurants, and lively squares.
  • Avignon: Located around 70 kilometers from Le Mas, Avignon is renowned for its well-preserved medieval architecture and the Palais des Papes (Palace of the Popes). Explore the charming old town, walk across the famous Pont d'Avignon, and visit the Avignon Cathedral.
  • Aigues-Mortes: Situated approximately 90 kilometers from Le Mas, Aigues-Mortes is a fortified medieval town surrounded by impressive walls. Take a walk along the ramparts, visit the Tower of Constance, and explore the picturesque streets filled with shops and restaurants.
  • Camargue Regional Nature Park: Located about 90 kilometers from Le Mas, the Camargue is a unique natural park known for its diverse wildlife, including flamingos, wild horses, and black bulls. Explore the marshlands, take a guided tour, or simply enjoy the beautiful landscapes. 10. Arles: Situated approximately 50 kilometers from Le Mas, Arles is a UNESCO World Heritage site famous for its Roman and Romanesque monuments. Visit the well-preserved Roman amphitheater, the ancient theater, and admire the works of Vincent van Gogh, who was inspired by the city's beauty.