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Contact Details:


Christophe Coubard
19 Rue Grande
Montigny Le Gannelon


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Price per night:

price from €25






Description for B&B:

in close proximity to the Chateau de Montigny

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Head towards Cloyes, which is located in close proximity to the Dormouse, and continue on to Chateaudun and Vendome.



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extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 25 29


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  • Château de Montigny-le-Gannelon: Located just a short distance from your address, this stunning castle is a must-visit attraction. Built in the 15th century, it features beautiful architecture, well-preserved interiors, and picturesque gardens.
  • Chartres Cathedral: Situated in the nearby city of Chartres, this magnificent Gothic cathedral is a UNESCO World Heritage site. Known for its stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and impressive architecture, it is a popular pilgrimage site for religious and cultural tourists.
  • Maison Picassiette: Also in Chartres, this unique mosaic house is a testament to the creativity and dedication of one man, Raymond Isidore. This house is entirely covered in mosaics made from broken ceramics, glass, and various other objects, creating a truly extraordinary sight.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Chartres: This art museum in Chartres houses an impressive collection of fine art from various periods. From Renaissance paintings to contemporary works, visitors can explore different artistic styles and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of the region.
  • Château de Chateaudun: Situated in the town of Châteaudun, this medieval fortress offers a fascinating glimpse into the past. With its imposing towers, fortified walls, and a well-preserved interior, this castle provides an authentic medieval experience.
  • Parc Naturel Régional du Perche: Located a short distance from Montigny-le-Gannelon, this regional natural park offers beautiful landscapes and a chance to connect with nature. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, horseback riding, and discover the charming villages and traditional architecture of the area.
  • Château de Maintenon: Situated in the town of Maintenon, this elegant castle is famous for its stunning gardens and its association with Madame de Maintenon, the second wife of Louis XIV. Visitors can explore the castle's opulent interiors, stroll through the well-manicured gardens, and enjoy the peaceful ambiance.
  • Musée Marcel Proust: Located in Illiers-Combray, the birthplace of renowned French author Marcel Proust, this museum is dedicated to his life and works. The museum offers a fascinating insight into the writer's world, showcasing personal belongings, original manuscripts, and recreations of scenes from his novels.
  • Parc et Jardins du Château de Courances: Situated near the town of Courances, this enchanting castle and its gardens are a hidden gem. The meticulously landscaped gardens, including a water garden and a Japanese garden, offer a tranquil setting for a leisurely stroll or a picnic. 10. Château de Mainterne: Located in the town of Nogent-le-Rotrou, this Renaissance-style castle is surrounded by a scenic park. Visitors can explore the castle's interior, admire the beautiful architecture, and enjoy the peaceful surroundings. These attractions near your address offer a mix of historical, cultural, and natural experiences that will surely enrich your visit to the region.