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Frantz Vigoureux
La Pointe


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Price per night:

price from €65






Description for B&B:

Guest houses are fully equipped with bathrooms and private toilets. They offer a beautiful terrace overlooking the lake and countryside, with no neighboring houses nearby.

Description for Gite

Experience the beauty of nature at our charming bed and breakfast in Chahaignes. Nestled in the heart of the Dormouse Valley, we are conveniently located between Tours and Le Mans. The surrounding hillsides are home to a variety of esteemed vineyards, where you can savor delicious wines made from chenin, pineau, and gamay grapes. Explore the 400 cellars of Chahaignes and discover the rich history of winemaking in the region.

For a tranquil outdoor experience, our property boasts a picturesque one-hectare fishing pond. Cast your line and try your luck catching carp, pike, sturgeon, and more. Enjoy leisurely hikes through the nearby Deluded Forest or along the scenic hillsides of the Dormouse Valley.

Immerse yourself in the world of birds of prey at our bird breeding center. Observe these majestic creatures used in falconry and witness the incredible skill of goshawking. For those interested, we offer falconry initiation experiences upon request.

Our idyllic location is perfect for nature lovers seeking peace and tranquility. Experience the charm of the countryside, indulge in outdoor activities like hunting and fishing, and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature.


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Located 1.2 kilometers away from Chahaignes



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
3 65 65 455 455 oui
(3 pers.)
1 80 560


Animals Allowed


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  • Château de Montmirail: Situated in Montmirail, this medieval fortress is surrounded by lush greenery and vineyards. The castle boasts a rich history and offers guided tours, allowing visitors to explore its towers, halls, and courtyards.
  • Zoo de la Flèche: Located in La Flèche, this renowned zoo is home to over 1,500 animals from around the world. Visitors can enjoy various animal exhibits and shows, including tigers, elephants, birds, reptiles, and marine life.
  • Abbey of Solesmes: Situated in Solesmes, this historic Benedictine monastery is famous for its Gregorian chants. Visitors can attend the daily liturgical services and explore the stunning Gothic architecture and tranquil surroundings.
  • Château de Villandry: Located in Villandry, this picturesque castle is known for its exceptional Renaissance gardens. Visitors can wander through the meticulously designed terraces, flowerbeds, and ornamental vegetable gardens, offering a visual feast for the senses.
  • Le Mans Cathedral: Situated in Le Mans, this magnificent cathedral is a masterpiece of Gothic architecture. Its stunning stained glass windows, intricate sculptures, and imposing structure make it a must-visit for history and architecture enthusiasts.
  • Musée des Beaux-Arts de Tours: Located in Tours, this art museum houses an impressive collection of European paintings and sculptures. Visitors can admire works by renowned artists such as Rubens, Rembrandt, and Monet, among others.
  • Château d'Amboise: Situated in Amboise, this royal castle overlooks the Loire River and offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Along with its historical significance, the castle hosts various events and exhibitions throughout the year.
  • Château de Saumur: Located in Saumur, this majestic castle stands on a hill overlooking the town and the Loire River. Visitors can explore its well-preserved rooms, learn about its fascinating history, and enjoy the panoramic views from the top. 10. Musée du Compagnonnage: Situated in Tours, this museum showcases the traditional crafts and skills of the French Compagnons, a guild system established in the Middle Ages. Visitors can admire intricate woodwork, ironwork, and other traditional crafts. Please note that the distances and accessibility to these attractions may vary, and it is recommended to check the operating hours and any specific requirements before visiting.

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