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Joseph Diaz
Rue Du Vieux Moulin


2 reviews

Price per night:

price from €50




06 18 55 37 14

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Description for B&B:

Description for Gite

This comfortable studio of 38 m² is perfect for 1-2 people and is located on the ground floor of a house with its own entrance. It offers free parking just a few meters away from the cottage.

You can enjoy peaceful walks on the trails of the Ansouis countryside.

The studio is well-equipped and includes a kitchen area with a dining space, a bedroom with a double bed (160 x 200 cm) and a pullout bed (90 x 190 cm), and a bathroom with a toilet. There are also shelves, cupboards, and a wardrobe for storage. Other amenities include satellite television and unlimited internet access.

Ansouis is situated in the heart of Aigues, near the Grand Luberon. This charming village, perched on a rocky hillock and clay, is crowned by its ancient castle. It has beautifully preserved narrow streets and stone houses adorned with flower gardens. The village also features hanging terraces and shaded areas, with Wisteria, Honeysuckle, and wild grape vines flowing down to the ground.


Appréciations pour Gîte du Poète, Ansouis:

Très agréable lieu de séjour.
Review by: Pierre & Hélène Benielli, Aou 13 2017 4:11PM
Cinquième séjour de deux semaines dans ce gîte qui nous sert - entre autres - de base de départ pour le Festival de La Roque d'Anthéron (20/25 minutes de route).
Très bien situé au coeur du village, à deux pas de tous les commerces.
Spacieux, confortable, bien agencé et très bien équipé, avec du matériel et du linge de bonne qualité. Beaucoup de possibilités de rangement;
Une seule ouverture par porte fenêtre mais qui a l'avantage appréciable de garantir une agréable fraîcheur en période de canicule.
Excellent rapport qualité /prix avec, en plus, des hôtes à l'écoute et de bonne compagnie.
Séjours au gîte du Poète
Review by: Mathieu /Baratier , Fev 19 2017 1:05PM
Nous avons séjourné plusieurs fois au gîte du Poète à Ansouis. Il est bien situé au centre du village, proche des commerces. Les propriétaires sont accueillants. Il est propre et la literie est bonne.
Autour d'Ansouis, il y a des villages à visiter, des marchés et des caves à vin à découvrir, des balades à faire et des animations (Botanilles, Corso fleuri, festivals de musique, ...).
Nous avons passé des séjours agréables et reposants dans ce gîte situé dans un village provençal.

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If you are starting from Aix en Provence, follow the A 51 motorway and take exit 15 for Pertuis. Drive through Pertuis and continue on the D56 road until you reach Ansouis.

If you are coming from Avignon, take the A7 motorway and exit at 26 for Sénas - Lambesc. Follow the N7 road towards Aix en Provence and then turn onto the D23 road towards Mallemort. From there, take the D973 road and pass through Cadenet. Once you reach Villelaure, take the D37 road that leads to Ansouis.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
1 50 20
Apartment 1 55 65 347 385 10
Holiday Home 1 315 370 0




  • Château d'Ansouis: Located in the heart of Ansouis, this medieval castle is a must-visit attraction. It offers stunning views of the village and surrounding countryside. The castle is well-preserved and features beautiful gardens, chapels, and historical artifacts.
  • Luberon Regional Nature Park: Situated near Ansouis, this park is a haven for nature lovers. It boasts picturesque landscapes, rolling hills, and quaint villages. Visitors can enjoy hiking, cycling, or simply exploring the park's diverse flora and fauna.
  • Étang de la Bonde: Just a short drive from Ansouis, this picturesque lake is perfect for relaxation and outdoor activities. Surrounded by lush greenery, it offers opportunities for swimming, picnicking, or renting a paddleboat to explore the peaceful waters.
  • Château de Lourmarin: Located in the charming village of Lourmarin, this Renaissance castle is renowned for its architectural beauty and cultural significance. It houses an art gallery, a library, and hosts various cultural events throughout the year.
  • Abbaye de Silvacane: Situated near La Roque-d'Anthéron, this Cistercian abbey is a remarkable architectural gem. Dating back to the 12th century, it showcases Romanesque and Gothic styles. Visitors can explore the abbey's stunning cloisters, church, and peaceful gardens.
  • Pont Julien: A short distance from Ansouis, this Roman stone bridge is an impressive historical site. Built in the 1st century BC, it spans the Calavon river and offers a glimpse into the region's ancient past. The bridge is still in use today and provides a scenic spot for photography.
  • Ochre Trail (Sentier des Ocres): Located in the village of Roussillon, this unique trail takes visitors through vibrant ochre cliffs and formations. The natural colors range from yellow to vivid red, creating a surreal landscape. It's a popular spot for hiking and photography.
  • Château de la Tour d'Aigues: Situated in the village of La Tour-d'Aigues, this castle is a fascinating historical site. It dates back to the 17th century and features stunning architecture, beautiful gardens, and a museum showcasing the castle's history.
  • Musée Extraordinaire: Found in the village of Ansouis, this museum is dedicated to showcasing unique and extraordinary objects from various cultures and eras. Visitors can explore a diverse collection of artifacts, fossils, and curiosities from around the world. 10. Les Terrasses du Luberon: This winery and vineyard, located near Cadenet, offers an opportunity to taste and learn about the renowned wines of the region. Visitors can enjoy guided tours, wine tastings, and even purchase some bottles to take home as souvenirs.

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