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1 reviews

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price from €130





Description for B&B:

Experience the endless opportunities of the enchanting region nestled between the sea and mountains, in close proximity to the historic Cathar castles in Spain. Just a few kilometers away from the mesmerizing coastline, you will have a private entrance and access to a luxurious jacuzzi and high-speed wifi. During the pool season, take a dip in the refreshing pool and explore the vast, sprawling garden. Indulge in a delectable breakfast at our table upon request, with a nominal price of 20 per person.

Description for Gite

This cozy accommodation features a spacious room with a small private bathroom attached. It offers a convenient space for preparing breakfast and enjoying a warm and inviting retreat in the evenings.


Appréciations pour mas les billes, ceret:

a recommander
Review by: chrisitine arnould, Aou 17 2015 8:47AM
accueil hors du commun,propreté remarquable tout est fait pour votre bonheur bravo vous savez recevoir nous avons séjourné une semaine dans votre petit paradis nous recommandons cette adresse merci pour votre générosité et votre écoute

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Situated at a distance of 30km from Perpignan, 30km away from the coast, and 30km from Spain.



Property type Quantity
Prices in €
Daily Prices Weekly Prices
min. max. min. max.
extra bed
(2 pers.)
2 130 180 40 oui
(3 pers.)
Holiday Home 1 950 950 950 950


Swimming Pool


  • Musée d'art moderne de Céret: Located in the heart of Céret, this museum is known for its outstanding collection of modern art, particularly works by Picasso, Matisse, and Braque. It offers a unique opportunity to explore the artistic heritage of the region.
  • Pont du Diable: Just a short drive from Céret, Pont du Diable is a stunning medieval bridge that spans the Tech River. With its unique architecture and picturesque surroundings, it is a popular spot for photography and a great place to enjoy a peaceful walk.
  • Abbaye Sainte-Marie d'Arles-sur-Tech: Situated near Céret, this ancient abbey dates back to the 8th century and showcases remarkable Romanesque architecture. Visitors can explore the beautiful cloisters, the church, and the peaceful gardens surrounding the abbey.
  • Les Gorges de la Fou: Located in Arles-sur-Tech, close to Céret, this natural attraction offers a thrilling experience for nature enthusiasts. Visitors can walk along the paths that lead through impressive limestone cliffs, enjoy stunning views, and marvel at the power of the rushing waterfalls.
  • Château Royal de Collioure: A short drive from Céret, this historic castle is situated in the charming coastal town of Collioure. With its magnificent views of the Mediterranean Sea and its rich history, the castle is a must-visit attraction for history lovers.
  • Le Sentier du Littoral: This coastal hiking trail near Céret offers breathtaking views of the Mediterranean coastline. Visitors can explore picturesque coves, sandy beaches, and rugged cliffs while enjoying a refreshing walk or bike ride.
  • Musée d'Art Moderne de Collioure: Located in Collioure, this museum showcases a diverse collection of modern and contemporary art. It features works by local artists, as well as temporary exhibitions that provide insight into the vibrant art scene of the region.
  • Fort Saint-Elme: Situated in the town of Collioure, this historic fortress offers panoramic views of the surrounding area. Visitors can explore the impressive ramparts, learn about the fort's history, and enjoy the exhibitions that depict life in the fortress during different eras.
  • Les Caves Byrrh: Located in Thuir, a short distance from Céret, this wine cellar is a must-visit for wine enthusiasts. Visitors can take a guided tour of the cellars, learn about the production of Byrrh (a famous French apéritif), and sample a variety of wines. 10. Lac de Villeneuve-de-la-Raho: Situated near Perpignan, this beautiful lake offers a range of recreational activities such as swimming, kayaking, and paddleboarding. With its sandy beaches, picnic areas, and stunning views, it's a great place to relax and unwind.

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